
37 lines
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Raw Normal View History

fixed4 SampleTriPlanar(sampler2D tex, float4 tex_ST, float3 position, float3 normal, float sharpness)
//calculate UV coordinates for three projections
float2 uv_front = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.xy, tex);
float2 uv_side = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.zy, tex);
float2 uv_top = TRANSFORM_TEX(position.xz, tex);
//read texture at uv position of the three projections
fixed4 col_front = tex2D(tex, uv_front);
fixed4 col_side = tex2D(tex, uv_side);
fixed4 col_top = tex2D(tex, uv_top);
//generate weights from world normals
float3 weights = normal;
//show texture on both sides of the object (positive and negative)
weights = abs(weights);
//make the transition sharper
weights = pow(weights, sharpness);
//make it so the sum of all components is 1
weights = weights / (weights.x + weights.y + weights.z);
//combine weights with projected colors
col_front *= weights.z;
col_side *= weights.x;
col_top *= weights.y;
//combine the projected colors
fixed4 col = col_front + col_side + col_top;
return col;