max 91b4f5fafb hierachy and parent child system updates
- started working on an editor hierarchy window
- testing filters
- testing parent child relations without system
- testing root component
- thinking about how to get all entities that are not a child, but also don't have an other identifying component
2024-10-15 00:41:45 +02:00

100 lines
4.2 KiB

using MoonTools.ECS;
using Nerfed.Runtime.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Util
public static class Transform
public static Vector3 Forward(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => new Vector3(matrix.M31, matrix.M32, matrix.M33);
public static Vector3 Back(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => -matrix.Forward();
public static Vector3 Up(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => new Vector3(matrix.M21, matrix.M22, matrix.M23);
public static Vector3 Down(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => -matrix.Up();
public static Vector3 Right(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => new Vector3(matrix.M11, matrix.M12, matrix.M13);
public static Vector3 Left(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => -matrix.Right();
//public static Vector3 Translation(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => new Vector3();
//public static Quaternion Rotation(in this Matrix4x4 matrix) => new Quaternion();
public static Matrix4x4 TRS(in this LocalTransform localTransform)
return Matrix4x4.CreateScale(localTransform.scale) *
Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(localTransform.rotation) *
// Sets the parent child relation and adds a child component.
// Relation goes from child to parent.
public static void SetParent(in World world, in Entity child, in Entity parent)
if (world.Related<ChildParentRelation>(parent, child))
RemoveParent(world, parent);
world.Relate(child, parent, new ChildParentRelation());
world.Set(child, new Child());
// Removes any parent child relation ship, thus making it a 'root' object.
public static void RemoveParent(in World world, in Entity child)
if (!world.HasOutRelation<ChildParentRelation>(child))
// TODO: Check if Unrelate all also unrelates incomming relations..?
world.Set(child, new Root());
public static Entity CreateBaseEntity(this World world, string tag = "")
Entity entity = world.CreateEntity(tag);
world.Set(entity, new Root());
return entity;
// Force update the transform data of an entity (and children).
// Useful for when you need precise up to date transform data.
public static void ForceUpdateLocalToWorld(in World world, in Entity entity)
Matrix4x4 parentLocalToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4.Identity;
if (world.HasOutRelation<ChildParentRelation>(entity)) {
Entity parent = world.OutRelationSingleton<ChildParentRelation>(entity);
if (world.Has<LocalToWorld>(parent))
parentLocalToWorldMatrix = world.Get<LocalToWorld>(parent).localToWorldMatrix;
ForceUpdateLocalToWorld(world, entity, parentLocalToWorldMatrix);
private static void ForceUpdateLocalToWorld(in World world, in Entity entity, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix)
if (world.Has<LocalTransform>(entity))
LocalTransform localTransform = world.Get<LocalTransform>(entity);
localToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4.Multiply(localToWorldMatrix, localTransform.TRS());
LocalToWorld localToWorld = new(localToWorldMatrix);
world.Set(entity, localToWorld);
Log.Info($"Entity {entity} | local position {localTransform.position} | world position {localToWorldMatrix.Translation}");
ReverseSpanEnumerator<Entity> childEntities = world.InRelations<ChildParentRelation>(entity);
foreach (Entity childEntity in childEntities)
ForceUpdateLocalToWorld(world, childEntity, localToWorldMatrix);