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// Based on 'Real Shading in Unreal Engine 4'
// http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2013-shading-course/#course_content
#include "TubeLightAttenuation.cginc"
#include "TubeLightShadowPlanes.cginc"
#define SHARP_EDGE_FIX 1
void SphereLightToPointLight(float3 pos, float3 lightPos, float3 eyeVec, half3 normal, float sphereRad, half rangeSqInv, inout UnityLight light, out half lightDist)
half3 viewDir = -eyeVec;
half3 r = reflect (viewDir, normal);
float3 L = lightPos - pos;
float3 centerToRay = dot (L, r) * r - L;
float3 closestPoint = L + centerToRay * saturate(sphereRad / length(centerToRay));
lightDist = length(closestPoint);
light.dir = closestPoint / lightDist;
half distLSq = dot(L, L);
light.ndotl = saturate(dot(normal, L/sqrt(distLSq)));
float distNorm = distLSq * rangeSqInv;
float atten = AttenuationToZero(distNorm);
light.color *= atten;
void TubeLightToPointLight(float3 pos, float3 tubeStart, float3 tubeEnd, float3 normal, float tubeRad, float rangeSqInv, float3 representativeDir, float3 lightColor, out float3 outLightColor, out float3 outLightDir, out float outNdotL, out half outLightDist)
half3 N = normal;
float3 L0 = tubeStart - pos;
float3 L1 = tubeEnd - pos;
float L0dotL0 = dot(L0, L0);
float distL0 = sqrt(L0dotL0);
float distL1 = length(L1);
float NdotL0 = dot(L0, N) / (2.0 * distL0);
float NdotL1 = dot(L1, N) / (2.0 * distL1);
outNdotL = saturate(NdotL0 + NdotL1);
float3 Ldir = L1 - L0;
float RepdotL0 = dot(representativeDir, L0);
float RepdotLdir = dot(representativeDir, Ldir);
float L0dotLdir = dot(L0, Ldir);
float LdirdotLdir = dot(Ldir, Ldir);
float distLdir = sqrt(LdirdotLdir);
// There's a very visible discontinuity if we just take the closest distance to ray,
// as the original paper suggests. This is an attempt to fix it, but it gets slightly more expensive and
// has its own artifact, although this time at least C0 smooth.
// Smallest angle to ray
float t = (L0dotLdir * RepdotL0 - L0dotL0 * RepdotLdir) / (L0dotLdir * RepdotLdir - LdirdotLdir * RepdotL0);
t = saturate(t);
// As representativeDir becomes parallel (well, in some plane) to Ldir and then points away, t flips from 0 to 1 (or vv) and a discontinuity shows up.
// Counteract by detecting that relative angle/position and flip t. The discontinuity in t moves to the back side.
float3 L0xLdir = cross(L0, Ldir);
float3 LdirxR = cross(Ldir, representativeDir);
float RepAtLdir = dot(L0xLdir, LdirxR);
// RepAtLdir is negative if R points away from Ldir.
// TODO: check if lerp below is indeed cheaper.
// if (RepAtLdir < 0)
// t = 1 - t;
t = lerp(1 - t, t, step(0, RepAtLdir));
// Original by Karis
// Closest distance to ray
float t = (RepdotL0 * RepdotLdir - L0dotLdir) / (distLdir * distLdir - RepdotLdir * RepdotLdir);
t = saturate(t);
float3 closestPoint = L0 + Ldir * t;
float3 centerToRay = dot(closestPoint, representativeDir) * representativeDir - closestPoint;
closestPoint = closestPoint + centerToRay * saturate(tubeRad / length(centerToRay));
outLightDist = length(closestPoint);
outLightDir = closestPoint / outLightDist;
float distNorm = 0.5f * (distL0 * distL1 + dot(L0, L1)) * rangeSqInv;
outLightColor = lightColor * AttenuationToZero(distNorm);
void TubeLightToPointLight(float3 pos, float3 tubeStart, float3 tubeEnd, float3 eyeVec, float3 normal, float tubeRad, float rangeSqInv, float3 lightColor, out float3 outLightColor, out float3 outLightDir, out float outNdotL, out half outLightDist)
half3 viewDir = -eyeVec;
half3 representativeDir = reflect (viewDir, normal);
TubeLightToPointLight(pos, tubeStart, tubeEnd, normal, tubeRad, rangeSqInv, representativeDir, lightColor, outLightColor, outLightDir, outNdotL, outLightDist);
inline half GGXTerm_Area (half NdotH, half roughness, half lightDist, half lightRadius)
half a = roughness * roughness;
half a2 = a * a;
half d = NdotH * NdotH * (a2 - 1.f) + 1.f;
d = max(d, 0.000001);
half aP = saturate( lightRadius / (lightDist*2.0) + a);
half aP2 = aP * aP;
return a2 * a2 / (UNITY_PI * d * d * aP2);
half4 BRDF1_Unity_PBS_Area (half3 diffColor, half3 specColor, half oneMinusReflectivity, half oneMinusRoughness,
half3 normal, half3 viewDir,
UnityLight light, UnityIndirect gi, half lightDist, half lightRadius)
half roughness = 1-oneMinusRoughness;
half3 halfDir = Unity_SafeNormalize (light.dir + viewDir);
half nl = light.ndotl;
half nh = BlinnTerm (normal, halfDir);
half nv = DotClamped (normal, viewDir);
half lv = DotClamped (light.dir, viewDir);
half lh = DotClamped (light.dir, halfDir);
half V = SmithGGXVisibilityTerm (nl, nv, roughness);
half D = GGXTerm_Area (nh, roughness, lightDist, lightRadius);
half nlPow5 = Pow5 (1-nl);
half nvPow5 = Pow5 (1-nv);
half Fd90 = 0.5 + 2 * lh * lh * roughness;
half disneyDiffuse = (1 + (Fd90-1) * nlPow5) * (1 + (Fd90-1) * nvPow5);
// HACK: theoretically we should divide by Pi diffuseTerm and not multiply specularTerm!
// BUT 1) that will make shader look significantly darker than Legacy ones
// and 2) on engine side "Non-important" lights have to be divided by Pi to in cases when they are injected into ambient SH
// NOTE: multiplication by Pi is part of single constant together with 1/4 now
half specularTerm = (V * D) * (UNITY_PI/4); // Torrance-Sparrow model, Fresnel is applied later (for optimization reasons)
if (IsGammaSpace())
specularTerm = sqrt(max(1e-4h, specularTerm));
specularTerm = max(0, specularTerm * nl);
half diffuseTerm = disneyDiffuse * nl;
half grazingTerm = saturate(oneMinusRoughness + (1-oneMinusReflectivity));
half3 color = diffColor * (gi.diffuse + light.color * diffuseTerm)
+ specularTerm * light.color * FresnelTerm (specColor, lh)
+ gi.specular * FresnelLerp (specColor, grazingTerm, nv);
return half4(color, 1);
half4 CalculateLight (float3 worldPos, float2 uv, half3 baseColor, half3 specColor, half oneMinusRoughness, half3 normalWorld,
half3 lightStart, half3 lightEnd, half3 lightColor, half lightRadius, half lightRangeSqInv)
UnityLight light = (UnityLight)0;
float3 eyeVec = normalize(worldPos - _WorldSpaceCameraPos);
half lightDist = 0;
#if 0
// Can't use a keyword, because no keywords in material property blocks.
// TODO: is it worth the dynamic branch?
if (sphereLight)
SphereLightToPointLight (worldPos, lightStart, eyeVec, normalWorld, lightRadius, lightRangeSqInv, light, lightDist);
TubeLightToPointLight (worldPos, lightStart, lightEnd, eyeVec, normalWorld, lightRadius, lightRangeSqInv, lightColor, light.color, light.dir, light.ndotl, lightDist);
light.color *= ShadowPlanes(worldPos);
half oneMinusReflectivity = 1 - SpecularStrength(specColor.rgb);
UnityIndirect ind;
ind.diffuse = 0;
ind.specular = 0;
half4 res = BRDF1_Unity_PBS_Area (baseColor, specColor, oneMinusReflectivity, oneMinusRoughness, normalWorld, -eyeVec, light, ind, lightDist, lightRadius);
return res;