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synced 2025-02-18 20:49:32 +01:00
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720 lines
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[RequireComponent (typeof(Camera))]
public class VolumetricFog : MonoBehaviour
Material m_DebugMaterial;
public Shader m_DebugShader;
public Shader m_ShadowmapShader;
public ComputeShader m_InjectLightingAndDensity;
public ComputeShader m_Scatter;
Material m_ApplyToOpaqueMaterial;
public Shader m_ApplyToOpaqueShader;
Material m_BlurShadowmapMaterial;
public Shader m_BlurShadowmapShader;
public Texture2D m_Noise;
public bool m_Debug = false;
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float m_Z = 1.0f;
public float m_NearClip = 0.1f;
public float m_FarClipMax = 100.0f;
[Header("Fog Density")]
public float m_GlobalDensityMult = 1.0f;
Vector3i m_InjectNumThreads = new Vector3i(16, 2, 16);
Vector3i m_ScatterNumThreads = new Vector3i(32, 2, 1);
RenderTexture m_VolumeInject;
RenderTexture m_VolumeScatter;
Vector3i m_VolumeResolution = new Vector3i(160, 90, 128);
Camera m_Camera;
Camera m_ShadowmapCamera;
RenderTexture m_Shadowmap;
RenderTexture m_ShadowmapBlurred;
int m_ShadowmapRes = 1024;
// Density
public float m_ConstantFog = 0;
public float m_HeightFogAmount = 0;
public float m_HeightFogExponent = 0;
public float m_HeightFogOffset = 0;
[Tooltip("Noise multiplies with constant fog and height fog, but not with fog ellipsoids.")]
[Range(0.0f, 1.0f)]
public float m_NoiseFogAmount = 0;
public float m_NoiseFogScale = 1;
public Wind m_Wind;
[Range(0.0f, 0.999f)]
public float m_Anisotropy = 0.0f;
public float m_GlobalIntensityMult = 1.0f;
public float m_AmbientLightIntensity = 0.0f;
public Color m_AmbientLightColor = Color.white;
public bool m_BlurShadowmap = false;
[Range(0, 2)]
public int m_ShadowmapDownsample = 1;
[Range(0.0f, 10.0f)]
public float m_BlurSize = 3.0f;
[Range(1, 4)]
public int m_BlurIterations = 2;
struct Vector3i
public int x, y, z;
public Vector3i(int x, int y, int z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
struct PointLightParams
public Vector3 pos;
public float range;
public Vector3 color;
float padding;
PointLightParams[] m_PointLightParams;
ComputeBuffer m_PointLightParamsCB;
struct TubeLightParams
public Vector3 start;
public float range;
public Vector3 end;
public float radius;
public Vector3 color;
float padding;
TubeLightParams[] m_TubeLightParams;
ComputeBuffer m_TubeLightParamsCB;
struct TubeLightShadowPlaneParams
public Vector4 plane0;
public Vector4 plane1;
public float feather0;
public float feather1;
float padding0;
float padding1;
TubeLightShadowPlaneParams[] m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams;
ComputeBuffer m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParamsCB;
struct AreaLightParams
public Matrix4x4 mat;
public Vector4 pos;
public Vector3 color;
public float bounded;
AreaLightParams[] m_AreaLightParams;
ComputeBuffer m_AreaLightParamsCB;
struct FogEllipsoidParams
public Vector3 pos;
public float radius;
public Vector3 axis;
public float stretch;
public float density;
public float noiseAmount;
public float noiseSpeed;
public float noiseScale;
public float feather;
public float blend;
public float padding1;
public float padding2;
FogEllipsoidParams[] m_FogEllipsoidParams;
ComputeBuffer m_FogEllipsoidParamsCB;
Camera cam{ get { if (m_Camera == null) m_Camera = GetComponent<Camera>(); return m_Camera; }}
float nearClip { get { return Mathf.Max(0, m_NearClip); } }
float farClip { get { return Mathf.Min(cam.farClipPlane, m_FarClipMax); } }
void ReleaseComputeBuffer(ref ComputeBuffer buffer)
if(buffer != null)
buffer = null;
void OnDestroy()
void OnDisable()
void Cleanup()
ReleaseComputeBuffer(ref m_PointLightParamsCB);
ReleaseComputeBuffer(ref m_TubeLightParamsCB);
ReleaseComputeBuffer(ref m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParamsCB);
ReleaseComputeBuffer(ref m_AreaLightParamsCB);
ReleaseComputeBuffer(ref m_FogEllipsoidParamsCB);
m_VolumeInject = null;
m_VolumeScatter = null;
void SanitizeInput()
m_GlobalDensityMult = Mathf.Max(m_GlobalDensityMult, 0);
m_ConstantFog = Mathf.Max(m_ConstantFog, 0);
m_HeightFogAmount = Mathf.Max(m_HeightFogAmount, 0);
void SetUpPointLightBuffers(int kernel)
int count = m_PointLightParamsCB == null ? 0 : m_PointLightParamsCB.count;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_PointLightsCount", count);
if (count == 0)
if (m_PointLightParams == null || m_PointLightParams.Length != count)
m_PointLightParams = new PointLightParams[count];
HashSet<FogLight> fogLights = LightManagerFogLights.Get();
int j = 0;
for (var x = fogLights.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();)
var fl = x.Current;
if (fl == null || fl.type != FogLight.Type.Point || !fl.isOn)
Light light = fl.light;
m_PointLightParams[j].pos = light.transform.position;
float range = light.range * fl.m_RangeMult;
m_PointLightParams[j].range = 1.0f / (range * range);
m_PointLightParams[j].color = new Vector3(light.color.r, light.color.g, light.color.b) * light.intensity * fl.m_IntensityMult;
// TODO: try a constant buffer with setfloats instead for perf
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetBuffer(kernel, "_PointLights", m_PointLightParamsCB);
TubeLightShadowPlane.Params[] sppArr;
void SetUpTubeLightBuffers(int kernel)
int count = m_TubeLightParamsCB == null ? 0 : m_TubeLightParamsCB.count;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_TubeLightsCount", count);
if (count == 0)
if (m_TubeLightParams == null || m_TubeLightParams.Length != count)
m_TubeLightParams = new TubeLightParams[count];
if (m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams == null || m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams.Length != count)
m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams = new TubeLightShadowPlaneParams[count];
HashSet<FogLight> fogLights = LightManagerFogLights.Get();
int j = 0;
for (var x = fogLights.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();)
var fl = x.Current;
if (fl == null || fl.type != FogLight.Type.Tube || !fl.isOn)
TubeLight light = fl.tubeLight;
Transform t = light.transform;
Vector3 pos = t.position;
Vector3 halfLength = 0.5f * t.up * light.m_Length;
// Tube lights
m_TubeLightParams[j].start = pos + halfLength;
m_TubeLightParams[j].end = pos - halfLength;
float range = light.m_Range * fl.m_RangeMult;
m_TubeLightParams[j].range = 1.0f / (range * range);
m_TubeLightParams[j].color = new Vector3(light.m_Color.r, light.m_Color.g, light.m_Color.b) * light.m_Intensity * fl.m_IntensityMult;
m_TubeLightParams[j].radius = light.m_Radius;
// Tube light shadow planes
var p = light.GetShadowPlaneParams(ref sppArr);
m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams[j].plane0 = p[0].plane;
m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams[j].plane1 = p[1].plane;
m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams[j].feather0 = p[0].feather;
m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParams[j].feather1 = p[1].feather;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetBuffer(kernel, "_TubeLights", m_TubeLightParamsCB);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetBuffer(kernel, "_TubeLightShadowPlanes", m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParamsCB);
void SetUpAreaLightBuffers(int kernel)
int count = m_AreaLightParamsCB == null ? 0 : m_AreaLightParamsCB.count;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_AreaLightsCount", count);
if (count == 0)
if (m_AreaLightParams == null || m_AreaLightParams.Length != count)
m_AreaLightParams = new AreaLightParams[count];
HashSet<FogLight> fogLights = LightManagerFogLights.Get();
int shadowedAreaLightIndex = fogLights.Count;
int j = 0;
for (var x = fogLights.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();)
var fl = x.Current;
if (fl == null || fl.type != FogLight.Type.Area || !fl.isOn)
AreaLight light = fl.areaLight;
m_AreaLightParams[j].mat = light.GetProjectionMatrix(true);
m_AreaLightParams[j].pos = light.GetPosition();
m_AreaLightParams[j].color = new Vector3(light.m_Color.r, light.m_Color.g, light.m_Color.b) * light.m_Intensity * fl.m_IntensityMult;
m_AreaLightParams[j].bounded = fl.m_Bounded ? 1 : 0;
if (fl.m_Shadows)
RenderTexture shadowmap = light.GetBlurredShadowmap();
if (shadowmap != null)
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetTexture(kernel, "_AreaLightShadowmap", shadowmap);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_ESMExponentAreaLight", fl.m_ESMExponent);
shadowedAreaLightIndex = j;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetBuffer(kernel, "_AreaLights", m_AreaLightParamsCB);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_ShadowedAreaLightIndex", shadowedAreaLightIndex);
void SetUpFogEllipsoidBuffers(int kernel)
int count = 0;
HashSet<FogEllipsoid> fogEllipsoids = LightManagerFogEllipsoids.Get();
for (var x = fogEllipsoids.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();) {
var fe = x.Current;
if (fe != null && fe.enabled && fe.gameObject.activeSelf)
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_FogEllipsoidsCount", count);
if (count == 0)
if (m_FogEllipsoidParams == null || m_FogEllipsoidParams.Length != count)
m_FogEllipsoidParams = new FogEllipsoidParams[count];
int j = 0;
for (var x = fogEllipsoids.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();)
var fe = x.Current;
if (fe == null || !fe.enabled || !fe.gameObject.activeSelf)
Transform t = fe.transform;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].pos = t.position;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].radius = fe.m_Radius * fe.m_Radius;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].axis = -t.up;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].stretch = 1.0f/fe.m_Stretch - 1.0f;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].density = fe.m_Density;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].noiseAmount = fe.m_NoiseAmount;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].noiseSpeed = fe.m_NoiseSpeed;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].noiseScale = fe.m_NoiseScale;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].feather = 1.0f - fe.m_Feather;
m_FogEllipsoidParams[j].blend = fe.m_Blend == FogEllipsoid.Blend.Additive ? 0 : 1;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetBuffer(kernel, "_FogEllipsoids", m_FogEllipsoidParamsCB);
FogLight GetDirectionalLight()
HashSet<FogLight> fogLights = LightManagerFogLights.Get();
FogLight fogLight = null;
for (var x = fogLights.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();)
var fl = x.Current;
if (fl == null || fl.type != FogLight.Type.Directional || !fl.isOn)
fogLight = fl;
return fogLight;
FogLight m_DirectionalLight;
void OnPreRender()
m_DirectionalLight = GetDirectionalLight();
if (m_DirectionalLight != null)
float[] m_dirLightColor;
float[] m_dirLightDir;
void SetUpDirectionalLight(int kernel)
if (m_dirLightColor == null || m_dirLightColor.Length != 3)
m_dirLightColor = new float[3];
if (m_dirLightDir == null || m_dirLightDir.Length != 3)
m_dirLightDir = new float[3];
if (m_DirectionalLight == null)
m_dirLightColor[0] = 0;
m_dirLightColor[1] = 0;
m_dirLightColor[2] = 0;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_DirLightColor", m_dirLightColor);
m_DirectionalLight.SetUpDirectionalShadowmapForSampling(m_DirectionalLight.m_Shadows, m_InjectLightingAndDensity, kernel);
// TODO: if above fails, disable shadows
Light light = m_DirectionalLight.light;
Vector4 color = light.color;
color *= light.intensity * m_DirectionalLight.m_IntensityMult;
m_dirLightColor[0] = color.x;
m_dirLightColor[1] = color.y;
m_dirLightColor[2] = color.z;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_DirLightColor", m_dirLightColor);
Vector3 dir = light.GetComponent<Transform>().forward;
m_dirLightDir[0] = dir.x;
m_dirLightDir[1] = dir.y;
m_dirLightDir[2] = dir.z;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_DirLightDir", m_dirLightDir);
float[] m_fogParams;
float[] m_windDir;
float[] m_ambientLight;
void SetUpForScatter(int kernel)
// Compensate for more light and density being injected in per world space meter when near and far are closer.
// TODO: Not quite correct yet.
float depthCompensation = (farClip - nearClip) * 0.01f;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_Density", m_GlobalDensityMult * 0.001f * depthCompensation);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_Intensity", m_GlobalIntensityMult);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_Anisotropy", m_Anisotropy);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetTexture(kernel, "_VolumeInject", m_VolumeInject);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetTexture(kernel, "_Shadowmap", m_BlurShadowmap ? m_ShadowmapBlurred : (m_Shadowmap != null ? m_Shadowmap : (Texture)Texture2D.whiteTexture));
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetTexture(kernel, "_Noise", m_Noise);
if (m_fogParams == null || m_fogParams.Length != 4)
m_fogParams = new float[4];
if (m_windDir == null || m_windDir.Length != 3)
m_windDir = new float[3];
if (m_ambientLight == null || m_ambientLight.Length != 3)
m_ambientLight = new float[3];
m_fogParams[0] = m_ConstantFog;
m_fogParams[1] = m_HeightFogExponent;
m_fogParams[2] = m_HeightFogOffset;
m_fogParams[3] = m_HeightFogAmount;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_FogParams", m_fogParams);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_NoiseFogAmount", m_NoiseFogAmount);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_NoiseFogScale", m_NoiseFogScale);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_WindSpeed", m_Wind == null ? 0 : m_Wind.m_Speed);
Vector3 windDir = m_Wind == null ? Vector3.forward : m_Wind.transform.forward;
m_windDir[0] = windDir.x;
m_windDir[1] = windDir.y;
m_windDir[2] = windDir.z;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_WindDir", m_windDir);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_Time", Time.time);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloat("_NearOverFarClip", nearClip/farClip);
Color ambient = m_AmbientLightColor * m_AmbientLightIntensity * 0.1f;
m_ambientLight[0] = ambient.r;
m_ambientLight[1] = ambient.g;
m_ambientLight[2] = ambient.b;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_AmbientLight", m_ambientLight);
void Scatter()
// Inject lighting and density
int kernel = 0;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.Dispatch(kernel, m_VolumeResolution.x/m_InjectNumThreads.x, m_VolumeResolution.y/m_InjectNumThreads.y, m_VolumeResolution.z/m_InjectNumThreads.z);
// Solve scattering
m_Scatter.SetTexture(0, "_VolumeInject", m_VolumeInject);
m_Scatter.SetTexture(0, "_VolumeScatter", m_VolumeScatter);
m_Scatter.Dispatch(0, m_VolumeResolution.x/m_ScatterNumThreads.x, m_VolumeResolution.y/m_ScatterNumThreads.y, 1);
void DebugDisplay(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dest)
InitMaterial(ref m_DebugMaterial, m_DebugShader);
m_DebugMaterial.SetTexture("_VolumeInject", m_VolumeInject);
m_DebugMaterial.SetTexture("_VolumeScatter", m_VolumeScatter);
m_DebugMaterial.SetTexture("_Shadowmap", m_Shadowmap);
m_DebugMaterial.SetTexture("_ShadowmapBlurred", m_ShadowmapBlurred);
m_DebugMaterial.SetFloat("_Z", m_Z);
m_DebugMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", src);
Graphics.Blit(src, dest, m_DebugMaterial);
void SetUpGlobalFogSamplingUniforms(int width, int height)
Shader.SetGlobalTexture("_VolumeScatter", m_VolumeScatter);
Shader.SetGlobalVector("_Screen_TexelSize", new Vector4(1.0f / width, 1.0f / height, width, height));
Shader.SetGlobalVector("_VolumeScatter_TexelSize", new Vector4(1.0f / m_VolumeResolution.x, 1.0f / m_VolumeResolution.y, 1.0f / m_VolumeResolution.z, 0));
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_CameraFarOverMaxFar", cam.farClipPlane / farClip);
Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_NearOverFarClip", nearClip / farClip);
void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src, RenderTexture dest)
DebugDisplay(src, dest);
InitMaterial(ref m_ApplyToOpaqueMaterial, m_ApplyToOpaqueShader);
// TODO: This shouldn't be needed. Is it because the shader doesn't have the Property block?
m_ApplyToOpaqueMaterial.SetTexture("_MainTex", src);
SetUpGlobalFogSamplingUniforms(src.width, src.height);
Graphics.Blit(src, dest, m_ApplyToOpaqueMaterial);
void OnPostRender()
void VolumetricFogInForward(bool enable)
if (enable)
Vector3 ViewportToLocalPoint(Camera c, Transform t, Vector3 p)
// TODO: viewporttoworldpoint inverts the clip-to-world matrix every time without caching it.
return t.InverseTransformPoint(c.ViewportToWorldPoint(p));
static readonly Vector2[] frustumUVs =
new Vector2[] {new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(0, 1)};
static float[] frustumRays = new float[16];
void SetFrustumRays()
float far = farClip;
Vector3 cameraPos = cam.transform.position;
Vector2[] uvs = frustumUVs;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Vector3 ray = cam.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(uvs[i].x, uvs[i].y, far)) - cameraPos;
frustumRays[i*4+0] = ray.x;
frustumRays[i*4+1] = ray.y;
frustumRays[i*4+2] = ray.z;
frustumRays[i*4+3] = 0;
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetVector("_CameraPos", cameraPos);
m_InjectLightingAndDensity.SetFloats("_FrustumRays", frustumRays);
void InitVolume(ref RenderTexture volume)
volume = new RenderTexture (m_VolumeResolution.x, m_VolumeResolution.y, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
volume.volumeDepth = m_VolumeResolution.z;
volume.dimension = UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension.Tex3D;
volume.enableRandomWrite = true;
void CreateBuffer(ref ComputeBuffer buffer, int count, int stride)
if (buffer != null && buffer.count == count)
if(buffer != null)
buffer = null;
if (count <= 0)
buffer = new ComputeBuffer(count, stride);
void InitResources ()
// Shadowmap
m_Shadowmap = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(m_ShadowmapRes, m_ShadowmapRes, 24, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);
m_Shadowmap.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
m_Shadowmap.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
// Volume
InitVolume(ref m_VolumeInject);
InitVolume(ref m_VolumeScatter);
// Compute buffers
int pointLightCount = 0, tubeLightCount = 0, areaLightCount = 0;
HashSet<FogLight> fogLights = LightManagerFogLights.Get();
for (var x = fogLights.GetEnumerator(); x.MoveNext();)
var fl = x.Current;
if (fl == null)
bool isOn = fl.isOn;
case FogLight.Type.Point: if (isOn) pointLightCount++; break;
case FogLight.Type.Tube: if (isOn) tubeLightCount++; break;
case FogLight.Type.Area: if (isOn) areaLightCount++; break;
// PointLightParams {float3 float float3 float} -> 32 bytes
CreateBuffer(ref m_PointLightParamsCB, pointLightCount, 32);
// TubeLightParams {float3 float float3 float float3 float} -> 48 bytes
CreateBuffer(ref m_TubeLightParamsCB, tubeLightCount, 48);
// TubeLightShadowPlaneParams {float4 float4 float float float float} -> 48 bytes
CreateBuffer(ref m_TubeLightShadowPlaneParamsCB, tubeLightCount, 48);
// TubeLightParams {float4x4 float4 float3 float} -> 96 bytes
CreateBuffer(ref m_AreaLightParamsCB, areaLightCount, 96);
// FogEllipsoidParams {float3 float float3 9xfloat} -> 64 bytes
HashSet<FogEllipsoid> fogEllipsoids = LightManagerFogEllipsoids.Get();
CreateBuffer(ref m_FogEllipsoidParamsCB, fogEllipsoids == null ? 0 : fogEllipsoids.Count, 64);
void ReleaseTemporary(ref RenderTexture rt)
if (rt == null)
rt = null;
void ReleaseTempResources()
ReleaseTemporary(ref m_Shadowmap);
ReleaseTemporary(ref m_ShadowmapBlurred);
void InitMaterial(ref Material material, Shader shader)
if (material)
if (!shader)
Debug.LogError("Missing shader");
material = new Material(shader);
material.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
void OnDrawGizmosSelected()
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
Gizmos.DrawFrustum(Vector3.zero, cam.fieldOfView, farClip, nearClip, cam.aspect);