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// Based on 'Volumetric fog: Unified, compute shader based solution to atmospheric scattering, ACM Siggraph 2014'
// https://bartwronski.com/publications/
#pragma kernel CSMain
#define VOLUME_DEPTH 128
Texture3D _VolumeInject;
RWTexture3D<float4> _VolumeScatter;
float Extinction(float density)
return exp(-density);
void WriteOutput(in uint3 pos, in float4 colorAndDensity)
_VolumeScatter[pos] = float4(colorAndDensity.rgb, Extinction(colorAndDensity.a));
float4 AccumulateScattering(float4 colorAndDensityFront, float4 colorAndDensityBack)
float3 light = colorAndDensityFront.rgb + saturate(Extinction(colorAndDensityFront.a)) * colorAndDensityBack.rgb;
return float4(light.rgb, colorAndDensityFront.a + colorAndDensityBack.a);
[numthreads(32, 2, 1)]
void CSMain (uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
float4 currentSlice = _VolumeInject[uint3(id.xy, 0)];
WriteOutput(uint3(id.xy, 0), currentSlice);
for(uint z = 1; z < VOLUME_DEPTH; z++)
float4 nextValue = _VolumeInject[uint3(id.xy, z)];
currentSlice = AccumulateScattering(currentSlice, nextValue);
WriteOutput(uint3(id.xy, z), currentSlice);