Added first version of Animation Blending

This commit is contained in:
Maximilian Winter 2022-12-11 04:19:45 +01:00
parent 9dca839eaf
commit 2545207aa0
8 changed files with 342 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Transforms;
using UnityEngine;
namespace TAO.VertexAnimation
public partial class AnimationBakingSystem : SystemBase
protected override void OnUpdate()
EntityCommandBuffer entityCommandBuffer = new EntityCommandBuffer( Allocator.Temp );
foreach (var (animator, wait) in
SystemAPI.Query<RefRW<AnimatorComponent>, RefRW<AnimatorWaitingForBaking>>())
DynamicBuffer<Child> children = EntityManager.GetBuffer < Child >( wait.ValueRO.AnimatorEntity );
Debug.Log( children.Length );
animator.ValueRW.SkinnedMeshes = new NativeArray < Entity >( children.Length, Allocator.Persistent );
int i = 0;
foreach ( Child child in children )
animator.ValueRW.SkinnedMeshes[i] = child.Value;
wait.ValueRW.IsInitialized = true;
entityCommandBuffer.RemoveComponent<AnimatorWaitingForBaking>( wait.ValueRO.AnimatorEntity );
//EntityManager.RemoveComponent < AnimatorWaitingForBaking >( wait.AnimatorEntity );
entityCommandBuffer.Playback( EntityManager );

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 2720e153eb0b4e8c8cdc100f844448f2
timeCreated: 1670713611

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
namespace TAO.VertexAnimation
public static class AnimationCurveExtention
public static float[] GenerateCurveArray(this UnityEngine.AnimationCurve self, int numberOfSamples)
float[] returnArray = new float[numberOfSamples];
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfSamples; j++)
returnArray[j] = self.Evaluate((float)j / numberOfSamples);
//Debug.Log( returnArray[j] );
return returnArray;
public static EntitiesAnimationCurveReference LoadUnityAnimationCurveIntoEntitiesAnimationCurve(this UnityEngine.AnimationCurve animationCurve, int numberOfSamples)
float[] samplePoints = animationCurve.GenerateCurveArray(numberOfSamples);
EntitiesAnimationCurveReference component = new EntitiesAnimationCurveReference();
using ( BlobBuilder blobBuilder = new BlobBuilder( Allocator.Temp ) )
ref EntitiesAnimationCurve animationCurveEcs = ref blobBuilder.ConstructRoot < EntitiesAnimationCurve >();
BlobBuilderArray<float> curveSamples = blobBuilder.Allocate( ref animationCurveEcs.SampledPoints, numberOfSamples );
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamples; i++)
// Copy data.
curveSamples[i] = samplePoints[i];
component.EntitiesCurve = blobBuilder.CreateBlobAssetReference < EntitiesAnimationCurve >( Allocator.Persistent );
component.EntitiesCurve.Value.NumberOfSamples = numberOfSamples;
return component;
public struct EntitiesAnimationCurve
public BlobArray < float > SampledPoints;
public int NumberOfSamples;
public float GetValueAtTime(float time)
var approxSampleIndex = (NumberOfSamples - 1) * time;
var sampleIndexBelow = (int)math.floor(approxSampleIndex);
if (sampleIndexBelow >= NumberOfSamples - 1)
return SampledPoints[NumberOfSamples - 1];
var indexRemainder = approxSampleIndex - sampleIndexBelow;
return math.lerp(SampledPoints[sampleIndexBelow], SampledPoints[sampleIndexBelow + 1], indexRemainder);
public struct EntitiesAnimationCurveReference
public BlobAssetReference<EntitiesAnimationCurve> EntitiesCurve;
public readonly float GetValueAtTime(float time) => EntitiesCurve.Value.GetValueAtTime(time);
public struct EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary : IComponentData
public NativeList < EntitiesAnimationCurveReference > CurveReferences;
public struct SampledAnimationCurve : System.IDisposable
NativeArray<float> sampledFloat;
/// <param name="samples">Must be 2 or higher</param>
public SampledAnimationCurve(AnimationCurve ac, int samples)
sampledFloat = new NativeArray<float>(samples, Allocator.Persistent);
float timeFrom = ac.keys[0].time;
float timeTo = ac.keys[ac.keys.Length - 1].time;
float timeStep = (timeTo - timeFrom) / (samples - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < samples; i++)
sampledFloat[i] = ac.Evaluate(timeFrom + (i * timeStep));
public void Dispose()
/// <param name="time">Must be from 0 to 1</param>
public float EvaluateLerp(float time)
int len = sampledFloat.Length - 1;
float clamp01 = time < 0 ? 0 : (time > 1 ? 1 : time);
float floatIndex = (clamp01 * len);
int floorIndex = (int)math.floor(floatIndex);
if (floorIndex == len)
return sampledFloat[len];
float lowerValue = sampledFloat[floorIndex];
float higherValue = sampledFloat[floorIndex + 1];
return math.lerp(lowerValue, higherValue, math.frac(floatIndex));

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 1139ec583eba4a088b003096cc28582f
timeCreated: 1670717467

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Entities;
using UnityEngine;
namespace TAO.VertexAnimation
public class AnimationCurveAuthoring : MonoBehaviour
public List < AnimationCurve > CurvesToConvert;
public int NumberOfSamples = 256;
public class AnimationCurveAuthoringBaker : Baker <AnimationCurveAuthoring>
public override void Bake( AnimationCurveAuthoring authoring )
EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary curveLibrary = new EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary();
curveLibrary.CurveReferences = new NativeList < EntitiesAnimationCurveReference >( 5, Allocator.Persistent );
foreach ( AnimationCurve curve in authoring.CurvesToConvert )
curveLibrary.CurveReferences.Add( curve.LoadUnityAnimationCurveIntoEntitiesAnimationCurve( authoring.NumberOfSamples ) );
AddComponent( curveLibrary );

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 600a2b395a2a4b1ebe07b9248cff83ca
timeCreated: 1670719445

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@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ namespace TAO.VertexAnimation
public bool DebugMode = false;
public uint Seed;
public struct SkinnedMeshEntity : IBufferElementData
public struct AnimatorWaitingForBaking : IComponentData
public Entity Value;
public bool IsInitialized;
public Entity AnimatorEntity;
public struct AnimationLibraryComponent : IComponentData
@ -74,41 +75,36 @@ public class AnimationLibraryComponentBaker : Baker < AnimationLibraryComponentA
ref VA_AnimationLibraryData animationsRef = ref animLib.Value;
Random random = new Random( authoring.Seed != 0 ? authoring.Seed : 42 );
int index = random.NextInt( 20 );
// Add animator to 'parent'.
AnimatorComponent animatorComponent = new AnimatorComponent
Enabled = true,
AnimationName = animationsRef.animations[index].name,
AnimationName = animationsRef.animations[5].name,
AnimationIndex = 2,
AnimationIndexNext = -1,
AnimationTime = 0,
AnimationLibrary = animLib
AnimatorBlendStateComponent animatorStateComponent = new AnimatorBlendStateComponent
BlendingEnabled = true,
AnimationIndex = 1,
AnimationIndexNext = -1,
AnimationTime = 0
ToAnimationIndex = 1,
BlendingCurrentTime = 0.0f,
AnimationBlendingCurveIndex = 2,
BlendingDuration = 2.5f,
AnimationTime = 0.0f,
AddComponent( animatorStateComponent );
var boneEntityArray = AddBuffer<SkinnedMeshEntity>();
MeshRenderer[] meshRenderers =
authoring.transform.GetComponentsInChildren < MeshRenderer >();
for (int meshIndex = 0; meshIndex < meshRenderers.Length; ++meshIndex)
var meshEntity = GetEntity(meshRenderers[meshIndex]);
boneEntityArray[meshIndex] = new SkinnedMeshEntity {Value = meshEntity};
AddComponent<AnimatorWaitingForBaking>(new AnimatorWaitingForBaking{ AnimatorEntity = GetEntity(), IsInitialized = false});
public struct AnimatorComponent : IComponentData
@ -117,17 +113,18 @@ public struct AnimatorComponent : IComponentData
public int AnimationIndex;
public int AnimationIndexNext;
public float AnimationTime;
public float AnimationTimeNext;
public BlobAssetReference<VA_AnimationLibraryData> AnimationLibrary;
public NativeArray < Entity > SkinnedMeshes;
public struct AnimatorBlendStateComponent : IComponentData
public bool BlendingEnabled;
public int AnimationIndex;
public int AnimationIndexNext;
public float AnimationTime;
public float AnimationTimeNext;
public int ToAnimationIndex;
public float BlendingDuration;
public float BlendingCurrentTime;
public int AnimationBlendingCurveIndex;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Unity.Burst;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.Entities;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
@ -37,8 +38,17 @@ public partial struct AnimatorSystem : ISystem
EntityCommandBuffer ecb = SystemAPI.GetSingleton < BeginSimulationEntityCommandBufferSystem.Singleton >().
CreateCommandBuffer( state.WorldUnmanaged );
RefRW < EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary > curveLibrary =
SystemAPI.GetSingletonRW < EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary >();
UpdateAnimatorJob job =
new UpdateAnimatorJob { DeltaTime = deltaTime, StartIndex = 0, Ecb = ecb.AsParallelWriter() };
new UpdateAnimatorJob
DeltaTime = deltaTime,
StartIndex = 0,
Ecb = ecb.AsParallelWriter(),
EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary = curveLibrary
@ -67,18 +77,112 @@ public partial struct UpdateAnimatorJob : IJobEntity
public float DeltaTime;
public int StartIndex;
public EntityCommandBuffer.ParallelWriter Ecb;
public RefRW < EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary > EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary;
public void Execute(
ref AnimatorComponent animator,
ref AnimatorBlendStateComponent animatorBlendState,
in DynamicBuffer < SkinnedMeshEntity > buffer )
ref AnimatorBlendStateComponent animatorBlendState )
if ( animator.Enabled )
// Get the animation lib data.
ref VA_AnimationLibraryData animationsRef = ref animator.AnimationLibrary.Value;
int animationIndexNextBlend = 0;
float animationTimeNextBlend = 0.0f;
float blendValue = 0.0f;
if ( animatorBlendState.BlendingEnabled )
animatorBlendState.BlendingCurrentTime += DeltaTime;
if ( animatorBlendState.BlendingCurrentTime >
animatorBlendState.BlendingDuration )
animator.AnimationIndex = animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex;
animator.AnimationIndexNext = -1;
animator.AnimationTime = animatorBlendState.AnimationTime;
animatorBlendState.BlendingEnabled = false;
animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex = -1;
animatorBlendState.AnimationTime = 0;
animatorBlendState.BlendingDuration = 0.0f;
animatorBlendState.BlendingCurrentTime = 0.0f;
animatorBlendState.AnimationBlendingCurveIndex = -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < animator.SkinnedMeshes.Length; i++ )
BlendingAnimationDataComponent blendingAnimationDataComponent =
new BlendingAnimationDataComponent { Value = 0.0f };
Ecb.SetComponent < BlendingAnimationDataComponent >(
blendingAnimationDataComponent );
SecondAnimationDataComponent vaAnimationDataComponent2 = new SecondAnimationDataComponent();
vaAnimationDataComponent2.Value = new float4
x = 0.0f,
y = animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex,
z = 0.0f,
w = animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex
Ecb.SetComponent < SecondAnimationDataComponent >(
vaAnimationDataComponent2 );
float blendTime =
1.0f / animatorBlendState.BlendingDuration * animatorBlendState.BlendingCurrentTime;
blendValue = EntitiesAnimationCurveLibrary.ValueRW.
GetValueAtTime( blendTime );
animatorBlendState.AnimationTime += DeltaTime *
if ( animatorBlendState.AnimationTime >
animationsRef.animations[animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex].duration )
// Set time. Using the difference to smoothen out animations when looping.
animatorBlendState.AnimationTime -=
//animator.animationIndexNext = vaAnimatorStateComponent.Rand.NextInt( 20 );
// Lerp animations.
// Set animation for lerp.
animationIndexNextBlend = animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex;
// Calculate next frame time for lerp.
animationTimeNextBlend = animatorBlendState.AnimationTime +
( 1.0f / animationsRef.animations[animationIndexNextBlend].maxFrames );
if ( animationTimeNextBlend > animationsRef.animations[animationIndexNextBlend].duration )
// Set time. Using the difference to smooth out animations when looping.
animationTimeNextBlend -= animatorBlendState.AnimationTime;
//if ( animator.AnimationName != vaAnimatorStateComponent.CurrentAnimationName )
// // Set the animation index on the AnimatorComponent to play this animation.
@ -118,50 +222,7 @@ public partial struct UpdateAnimatorJob : IJobEntity
animationTimeNext -= animator.AnimationTime;
int animationIndexNextBlend = 0;
float animationTimeNextBlend = 0.0f;
if ( animatorBlendState.BlendingEnabled )
// 'Play' the actual animation.
animatorBlendState.AnimationTime += DeltaTime *
if ( animatorBlendState.AnimationTime >
animationsRef.animations[animatorBlendState.AnimationIndex].duration )
// Set time. Using the difference to smoothen out animations when looping.
animatorBlendState.AnimationTime -=
//animator.animationIndexNext = vaAnimatorStateComponent.Rand.NextInt( 20 );
// Lerp animations.
// Set animation for lerp.
animationIndexNextBlend = animatorBlendState.AnimationIndexNext;
if ( animationIndexNextBlend < 0 )
animationIndexNextBlend = animatorBlendState.AnimationIndex;
//animator.animationIndexNext = animationIndexNext + 1;
// Calculate next frame time for lerp.
animationTimeNextBlend = animatorBlendState.AnimationTime +
( 1.0f / animationsRef.animations[animationIndexNextBlend].maxFrames );
if ( animationTimeNextBlend > animationsRef.animations[animationIndexNextBlend].duration )
// Set time. Using the difference to smooth out animations when looping.
animationTimeNextBlend -= animatorBlendState.AnimationTime;
for ( int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++ )
for ( int i = 0; i < animator.SkinnedMeshes.Length; i++ )
FirstAnimationDataComponent vaAnimationDataComponent = new FirstAnimationDataComponent();
@ -173,10 +234,24 @@ public partial struct UpdateAnimatorJob : IJobEntity
w = VA_AnimationLibraryUtils.GetAnimationMapIndex( ref animationsRef, animationIndexNext )
SystemAPI.SetComponent < FirstAnimationDataComponent >( buffer[i].Value, vaAnimationDataComponent );
Ecb.SetComponent < FirstAnimationDataComponent >(
vaAnimationDataComponent );
if ( animatorBlendState.BlendingEnabled )
BlendingAnimationDataComponent blendingAnimationDataComponent =
new BlendingAnimationDataComponent { Value = blendValue };
Ecb.SetComponent < BlendingAnimationDataComponent >(
blendingAnimationDataComponent );
SecondAnimationDataComponent vaAnimationDataComponent2 = new SecondAnimationDataComponent();
vaAnimationDataComponent2.Value = new float4
@ -184,16 +259,19 @@ public partial struct UpdateAnimatorJob : IJobEntity
x = animatorBlendState.AnimationTime,
y = VA_AnimationLibraryUtils.GetAnimationMapIndex(
ref animationsRef,
animatorBlendState.AnimationIndex ),
animatorBlendState.ToAnimationIndex ),
z = animationTimeNextBlend,
w = VA_AnimationLibraryUtils.GetAnimationMapIndex(
ref animationsRef,
animationIndexNextBlend )
SystemAPI.SetComponent < SecondAnimationDataComponent >(
Ecb.SetComponent < SecondAnimationDataComponent >(
vaAnimationDataComponent2 );