
377 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Graphics;
// FIXME: can we map the transfer buffer instead of maintaining a local pointer
/// <summary>
/// A convenience structure for creating resources and uploading data to them.
/// Note that Upload or UploadAndWait must be called after the Create methods for the data to actually be uploaded.
/// Note that this structure does not magically keep memory usage down -
/// you may want to stagger uploads over multiple submissions to minimize memory usage.
/// </summary>
public unsafe class ResourceUploader : GraphicsResource
TransferBuffer BufferTransferBuffer;
TransferBuffer TextureTransferBuffer;
byte* bufferData;
uint bufferDataOffset = 0;
uint bufferDataSize = 1024;
byte* textureData;
uint textureDataOffset = 0;
uint textureDataSize = 1024;
List<(uint, BufferRegion, bool)> BufferUploads = new List<(uint, BufferRegion, bool)>();
List<(uint, TextureRegion, bool)> TextureUploads = new List<(uint, TextureRegion, bool)>();
public ResourceUploader(GraphicsDevice device) : base(device)
bufferData = (byte*) NativeMemory.Alloc(bufferDataSize);
textureData = (byte*) NativeMemory.Alloc(textureDataSize);
// Buffers
/// <summary>
/// Creates a Buffer with data to be uploaded.
/// </summary>
public Buffer CreateBuffer<T>(Span<T> data, BufferUsageFlags usageFlags) where T : unmanaged
uint lengthInBytes = (uint) (Marshal.SizeOf<T>() * data.Length);
Buffer buffer = new Buffer(Device, usageFlags, lengthInBytes);
SetBufferData(buffer, 0, data, false);
return buffer;
/// <summary>
/// Prepares upload of data into a Buffer.
/// </summary>
public void SetBufferData<T>(Buffer buffer, uint bufferOffsetInElements, Span<T> data, bool cycle) where T : unmanaged
uint elementSize = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf<T>();
uint offsetInBytes = elementSize * bufferOffsetInElements;
uint lengthInBytes = (uint) (elementSize * data.Length);
uint resourceOffset;
fixed (void* spanPtr = data)
resourceOffset = CopyBufferData(spanPtr, lengthInBytes);
BufferRegion bufferRegion = new BufferRegion(buffer, offsetInBytes, lengthInBytes);
BufferUploads.Add((resourceOffset, bufferRegion, cycle));
// Textures
public Texture CreateTexture2D<T>(Span<T> pixelData, uint width, uint height) where T : unmanaged
Texture texture = Texture.CreateTexture2D(Device, width, height, TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8, TextureUsageFlags.Sampler);
SetTextureData(texture, pixelData, false);
return texture;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 2D Texture from compressed image data to be uploaded.
/// </summary>
public Texture CreateTexture2DFromCompressed(Span<byte> compressedImageData)
ImageUtils.ImageInfoFromBytes(compressedImageData, out uint width, out uint height, out uint _);
Texture texture = Texture.CreateTexture2D(Device, width, height, TextureFormat.R8G8B8A8, TextureUsageFlags.Sampler);
SetTextureDataFromCompressed(texture, compressedImageData);
return texture;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 2D Texture from a compressed image stream to be uploaded.
/// </summary>
public Texture CreateTexture2DFromCompressed(Stream compressedImageStream)
long length = compressedImageStream.Length;
void* buffer = NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) length);
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(buffer, (int) length);
Texture texture = CreateTexture2DFromCompressed(span);
return texture;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a 2D Texture from a compressed image file to be uploaded.
/// </summary>
public Texture CreateTexture2DFromCompressed(string compressedImageFilePath)
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(compressedImageFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
return CreateTexture2DFromCompressed(fileStream);
/// <summary>
/// Creates a texture from a DDS stream.
/// </summary>
public Texture CreateTextureFromDDS(Stream stream)
using BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
Texture texture;
int faces;
ImageUtils.ParseDDS(reader, out TextureFormat format, out int width, out int height, out int levels, out bool isCube);
if (isCube)
texture = Texture.CreateTextureCube(Device, (uint) width, format, TextureUsageFlags.Sampler, (uint) levels);
faces = 6;
texture = Texture.CreateTexture2D(Device, (uint) width, (uint) height, format, TextureUsageFlags.Sampler, (uint) levels);
faces = 1;
for (int face = 0; face < faces; face += 1)
for (int level = 0; level < levels; level += 1)
int levelWidth = width >> level;
int levelHeight = height >> level;
int levelSize = ImageUtils.CalculateDDSLevelSize(levelWidth, levelHeight, format);
void* byteBuffer = NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) levelSize);
Span<byte> byteSpan = new Span<byte>(byteBuffer, levelSize);
TextureRegion textureRegion = new TextureRegion
TextureSlice = new TextureSlice
Texture = texture,
Layer = (uint) face,
MipLevel = (uint) level
X = 0,
Y = 0,
Z = 0,
Width = (uint) levelWidth,
Height = (uint) levelHeight,
Depth = 1
SetTextureData(textureRegion, byteSpan, false);
return texture;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a texture from a DDS file.
/// </summary>
public Texture CreateTextureFromDDS(string path)
FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
return CreateTextureFromDDS(stream);
public void SetTextureDataFromCompressed(TextureRegion textureRegion, Span<byte> compressedImageData)
byte* pixelData = ImageUtils.GetPixelDataFromBytes(compressedImageData, out uint _, out uint _, out uint sizeInBytes);
Span<byte> pixelSpan = new Span<byte>((void*) pixelData, (int) sizeInBytes);
SetTextureData(textureRegion, pixelSpan, false);
public void SetTextureDataFromCompressed(TextureRegion textureRegion, Stream compressedImageStream)
long length = compressedImageStream.Length;
void* buffer = NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) length);
Span<byte> span = new Span<byte>(buffer, (int) length);
SetTextureDataFromCompressed(textureRegion, span);
public void SetTextureDataFromCompressed(TextureRegion textureRegion, string compressedImageFilePath)
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(compressedImageFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
SetTextureDataFromCompressed(textureRegion, fileStream);
/// <summary>
/// Prepares upload of pixel data into a TextureSlice.
/// </summary>
public void SetTextureData<T>(TextureRegion textureRegion, Span<T> data, bool cycle) where T : unmanaged
int elementSize = Marshal.SizeOf<T>();
uint dataLengthInBytes = (uint) (elementSize * data.Length);
uint resourceOffset;
fixed (T* dataPtr = data)
resourceOffset = CopyTextureData(dataPtr, dataLengthInBytes, Texture.BytesPerPixel(textureRegion.TextureSlice.Texture.Format));
TextureUploads.Add((resourceOffset, textureRegion, cycle));
// Upload
/// <summary>
/// Uploads all the data corresponding to the created resources.
/// </summary>
public void Upload()
CommandBuffer commandBuffer = Device.AcquireCommandBuffer();
/// <summary>
/// Uploads and then blocks until the upload is finished.
/// This is useful for keeping memory usage down during threaded upload.
/// </summary>
public void UploadAndWait()
CommandBuffer commandBuffer = Device.AcquireCommandBuffer();
Fence fence = Device.SubmitAndAcquireFence(commandBuffer);
// Helper methods
private void CopyToTransferBuffer()
if (BufferUploads.Count > 0)
if (BufferTransferBuffer == null || BufferTransferBuffer.Size < bufferDataSize)
BufferTransferBuffer = new TransferBuffer(Device, TransferBufferUsage.Upload, bufferDataSize);
Span<byte> dataSpan = new Span<byte>(bufferData, (int) bufferDataSize);
BufferTransferBuffer.SetData(dataSpan, true);
if (TextureUploads.Count > 0)
if (TextureTransferBuffer == null || TextureTransferBuffer.Size < textureDataSize)
TextureTransferBuffer = new TransferBuffer(Device, TransferBufferUsage.Upload, textureDataSize);
Span<byte> dataSpan = new Span<byte>(textureData, (int) textureDataSize);
TextureTransferBuffer.SetData(dataSpan, true);
private void RecordUploadCommands(CommandBuffer commandBuffer)
CopyPass copyPass = commandBuffer.BeginCopyPass();
foreach ((uint transferOffset, BufferRegion bufferRegion, bool option) in BufferUploads)
new TransferBufferLocation(BufferTransferBuffer, transferOffset),
foreach ((uint transferOffset, TextureRegion textureRegion, bool option) in TextureUploads)
new TextureTransferInfo(TextureTransferBuffer, transferOffset),
bufferDataOffset = 0;
private uint CopyBufferData(void* ptr, uint lengthInBytes)
if (bufferDataOffset + lengthInBytes >= bufferDataSize)
bufferDataSize = bufferDataOffset + lengthInBytes;
bufferData = (byte*) NativeMemory.Realloc(bufferData, bufferDataSize);
uint resourceOffset = bufferDataOffset;
NativeMemory.Copy(ptr, bufferData + bufferDataOffset, lengthInBytes);
bufferDataOffset += lengthInBytes;
return resourceOffset;
private uint CopyTextureData(void* ptr, uint lengthInBytes, uint alignment)
textureDataOffset = RoundToAlignment(textureDataOffset, alignment);
if (textureDataOffset + lengthInBytes >= textureDataSize)
textureDataSize = textureDataOffset + lengthInBytes;
textureData = (byte*) NativeMemory.Realloc(textureData, textureDataSize);
uint resourceOffset = textureDataOffset;
NativeMemory.Copy(ptr, textureData + textureDataOffset, lengthInBytes);
textureDataOffset += lengthInBytes;
return resourceOffset;
private uint RoundToAlignment(uint value, uint alignment)
return alignment * ((value + alignment - 1) / alignment);
// Dispose
/// <summary>
/// It is valid to immediately call Dispose after calling Upload.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!IsDisposed)
if (disposing)