Add component button

This commit is contained in:
max 2024-11-13 21:11:50 +01:00
parent 87ee6df46f
commit cf6cd080c6
2 changed files with 57 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,36 @@ namespace Nerfed.Editor.Systems
World.ComponentTypeEnumerator componentTypes = World.Debug_GetAllComponentTypes(entity);
// Add button of all types that we can add. Also filter out types we already have.
List<Type> componentTypesToAdd = ComponentHelper.AddComponentByType.Keys.ToList();
foreach (Type componentType in componentTypes)
const string popupId = "AddComponentPopup";
if (ImGui.Button("Add Component"))
if (ImGui.BeginPopup(popupId))
foreach (Type componentType in componentTypesToAdd)
if (ImGui.Selectable(componentType.Name))
if (ComponentHelper.AddComponentByType.TryGetValue(componentType, out Action<World, Entity> componentSetter))
componentSetter.Invoke(World, entity);
ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(16, 16));
foreach (Type componentType in componentTypes)
@ -40,6 +70,11 @@ namespace Nerfed.Editor.Systems
componentInspector(World, entity);
else if (ComponentHelper.GetComponentByType.TryGetValue(componentType, out Func<World, Entity, ValueType> componentGetter))
ValueType component = componentGetter.Invoke(World, entity);
@ -49,30 +84,16 @@ namespace Nerfed.Editor.Systems
ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(16, 16));
foreach (Type componentType in componentTypes)
if (!ComponentHelper.GetComponentByType.TryGetValue(componentType, out Func<World, Entity, ValueType> componentGetter)) continue;
ValueType component = componentGetter.Invoke(World, entity);
ImGui.Dummy(new Vector2(16, 16));
// TODO: explore something without reflection.
// Maybe generate some look up dictionary<type, Action<world, entity>> for 'custom editors'.
// Look into serializing of entities and components.
foreach (Type component in componentTypes)
System.Reflection.MethodInfo getMethodInfo = typeof(World).GetMethod("Get");
System.Reflection.MethodInfo getComponentMethod = getMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(component);
object result = getComponentMethod.Invoke(World, [entity]);
// process here
// ImGui.Text("Reflection");
// foreach (Type component in componentTypes)
// {
// System.Reflection.MethodInfo getMethodInfo = typeof(World).GetMethod("Get");
// System.Reflection.MethodInfo getComponentMethod = getMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(component);
// object result = getComponentMethod.Invoke(World, [entity]);
// // process here
// ImGui.Text(result.ToString());
// }

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@ -7,18 +7,29 @@ namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Serialization;
public static class ComponentHelper
// Auto generate this.
public static readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<World, Entity, ValueType>> GetComponentByType = new()
{ typeof(LocalTransform), (world, entity) => world.Get<LocalTransform>(entity) },
{ typeof(Root), (world, entity) => world.Get<Root>(entity) },
// Auto generate this.
public static readonly Dictionary<Type, Action<World, Entity, ValueType>> SetComponentByType = new()
{ typeof(LocalTransform), (world, entity, component) => world.Set(entity, (LocalTransform)component) },
{ typeof(Root), (world, entity, component) => world.Set(entity, (Root)component) },
// Auto generate this, but it should only contain user assignable components (so something like 'root' should be excluded).
// Maybe use an attribute for this.
public static readonly Dictionary<Type, Action<World, Entity>> AddComponentByType = new()
{ typeof(LocalTransform), (world, entity) => world.Set(entity, LocalTransform.Identity) },
// Auto generate this, but also keep the option for 'custom inspectors'.
// Maybe via attribute?
public static readonly Dictionary<Type, Action<World, Entity>> ComponentInspectorByType = new()
@ -31,7 +42,7 @@ public static class ComponentHelper
isDirty |= ImGui.DragFloat3("Position", ref position, 0.2f, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue, "%f0 m"); // TODO: right format.
isDirty |= ImGui.DragFloat3("Position", ref position, 0.2f, float.MinValue, float.MaxValue /*, "%f0 m" */); // TODO: right format.
isDirty |= ImGui.DragFloat3("Rotation", ref eulerAngles);
isDirty |= ImGui.DragFloat3("Scale", ref scale);