Combined transform systems

Profiler window calls count
Parallel transform system is now in the normal transform system
Removed unused parent system
This commit is contained in:
max 2024-10-20 03:51:59 +02:00
parent 82fe47f627
commit 2c84e650d6
6 changed files with 66 additions and 169 deletions

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ private static void HandleOnGui()
foreach (MoonTools.ECS.System system in Program.editorSystems)
using ProfilerScope scope = new(system.GetType().Name);

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@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ private static void HandleOnInitialize()
//systems.Add(new ParentSystem(world));
systems.Add(new LocalToWorldSystem(world));
systems.Add(new LocalToWorldThreadedSystem(world));
editorSystems.Add(new EditorProfilerWindow(world));
editorSystems.Add(new EditorHierarchyWindow(world));
@ -49,13 +48,13 @@ private static void HandleOnInitialize()
Entity ent5 = world.CreateBaseEntity("entity5");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
Entity newEnt = world.CreateBaseEntity();
world.Set(newEnt, new LocalTransform(new Vector3(i, i, i), Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One));
Entity parent = newEnt;
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
Entity newChildEnt = world.CreateEntity();
world.Set(newChildEnt, new LocalTransform(new Vector3(j, j, j), Quaternion.Identity, Vector3.One));
Transform.SetParent(world, newChildEnt, parent);
@ -72,10 +71,8 @@ private static void HandleOnUpdate()
foreach (MoonTools.ECS.System system in systems)
using (new ProfilerScope(system.GetType().Name))
using ProfilerScope scope = new(system.GetType().Name);
using (new ProfilerScope("EditorGui.Update"))
@ -94,7 +91,10 @@ private static void HandleOnUpdate()
private static void HandleOnRender()
using (new ProfilerScope("EditorGui.Render"))
private static void HandleOnQuit()

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@ -78,34 +78,37 @@ public override void Update(TimeSpan delta)
ImGui.BeginChild("Combined", new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 0));
// Gather combined data.
Dictionary<string, double> combinedRecordData = new Dictionary<string, double>(128);
Dictionary<string, (double ms, uint calls)> combinedRecordData = new Dictionary<string, (double ms, uint calls)>(128);
foreach (Profiler.ProfileRecord record in frameData.records)
if (combinedRecordData.TryGetValue(record.label, out double totalMs))
if (combinedRecordData.TryGetValue(record.label, out (double ms, uint calls) combined))
combinedRecordData[record.label] = totalMs + record.ElapsedMilliseconds();
combinedRecordData[record.label] = ( + record.ElapsedMilliseconds(), combined.calls + 1);
combinedRecordData.Add(record.label, record.ElapsedMilliseconds());
combinedRecordData.Add(record.label, (record.ElapsedMilliseconds(), 1));
IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, double>> orderedCombinedData = combinedRecordData.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);
IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, (double ms, uint calls)>> orderedCombinedData = combinedRecordData.OrderByDescending(x =>;
if (ImGui.BeginTable("ProfilerCombinedData", 2, tableFlags, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 0)))
if (ImGui.BeginTable("ProfilerCombinedData", 3, tableFlags, new System.Numerics.Vector2(0, 0)))
ImGui.TableSetupColumn("name", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthStretch, 0.8f, 0);
ImGui.TableSetupColumn("name", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthStretch, 0.6f, 0);
ImGui.TableSetupColumn("ms", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthStretch, 0.2f, 1);
ImGui.TableSetupColumn("calls", ImGuiTableColumnFlags.WidthStretch, 0.2f, 2);
ImGui.TableSetupScrollFreeze(0, 1); // Make row always visible
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> combinedData in orderedCombinedData)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, (double ms, uint calls)> combinedData in orderedCombinedData)

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@ -15,19 +15,62 @@ namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Systems
public class LocalToWorldSystem : MoonTools.ECS.System
private readonly bool useParallelFor = false; // When having a low amount of transforms or when in debug mode this might be slower.
private readonly Filter rootEntitiesFilter;
private readonly Filter transformEntitiesFilter;
private readonly Action<int> updateWorldTransform;
public LocalToWorldSystem(World world) : base(world)
rootEntitiesFilter = FilterBuilder.Include<LocalTransform>().Exclude<Child>().Build();
if (useParallelFor)
transformEntitiesFilter = FilterBuilder.Include<LocalTransform>().Build();
updateWorldTransform = UpdateWorldTransformByIndex;
public override void Update(TimeSpan delta)
foreach (Entity entity in rootEntitiesFilter.Entities)
if (rootEntitiesFilter.Empty)
UpdateWorldTransform(entity, Matrix4x4.Identity);
if (useParallelFor)
// This check is needed because some entities might not have a LocalToWorld component yet.
// Adding this during the loop will break.
foreach (Entity entity in transformEntitiesFilter.Entities) {
if (Has<LocalToWorld>(entity))
Set(entity, new LocalToWorld(Matrix4x4.Identity));
// This should only be used when the filter doesn't change by executing these functions!
// So no entity deletion or setting/removing of components used by the filters in this loop.
Parallel.For(0, rootEntitiesFilter.Count, updateWorldTransform);
foreach (Entity entity in rootEntitiesFilter.Entities)
UpdateWorldTransform(entity, Matrix4x4.Identity);
private void UpdateWorldTransformByIndex(int entityFilterIndex)
Entity entity = rootEntitiesFilter.NthEntity(entityFilterIndex);
UpdateWorldTransform(entity, Matrix4x4.Identity);
private void UpdateWorldTransform(in Entity entity, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix)
@ -41,8 +84,6 @@ private void UpdateWorldTransform(in Entity entity, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix
localToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4.Multiply(localToWorldMatrix, localTransform.TRS());
LocalToWorld localToWorld = new(localToWorldMatrix);
Set(entity, localToWorld);
//Log.Info($"Entity {entity} | local position {localTransform.position} | world position {localToWorldMatrix.Translation}");
ReverseSpanEnumerator<Entity> childEntities = World.InRelations<ChildParentRelation>(entity);

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
using MoonTools.ECS;
using Nerfed.Runtime.Components;
using Nerfed.Runtime.Util;
using System.Numerics;
namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Systems
public class LocalToWorldThreadedSystem : MoonTools.ECS.System
private readonly Filter rootEntitiesFilter;
private readonly Action<int> forEntity;
public LocalToWorldThreadedSystem(World world) : base(world)
rootEntitiesFilter = FilterBuilder.Include<LocalTransform>().Exclude<Child>().Build();
forEntity = UpdateEntity;
public override void Update(TimeSpan delta)
Parallel.For(0, rootEntitiesFilter.Count, forEntity);
private void UpdateEntity(int entityFilterIndex)
Entity entity = rootEntitiesFilter.NthEntity(entityFilterIndex);
UpdateWorldTransform(entity, Matrix4x4.Identity);
private void UpdateWorldTransform(Entity entity, Matrix4x4 localToWorldMatrix)
// TODO: Only update dirty transforms.
// If a parent is dirty all the children need to update their localToWorld matrix.
// How do we check if something is dirty? How do we know if a LocalTransform has been changed?
if (Has<LocalTransform>(entity))
LocalTransform localTransform = Get<LocalTransform>(entity);
localToWorldMatrix = Matrix4x4.Multiply(localToWorldMatrix, localTransform.TRS());
LocalToWorld localToWorld = new(localToWorldMatrix);
Set(entity, localToWorld);
//Log.Info($"Entity {entity} | local position {localTransform.position} | world position {localToWorldMatrix.Translation}");
ReverseSpanEnumerator<Entity> childEntities = World.InRelations<ChildParentRelation>(entity);
foreach (Entity childEntity in childEntities)
UpdateWorldTransform(childEntity, localToWorldMatrix);
//System.Random rnd = new System.Random();
//World world = new World();
//Filter filter = world.FilterBuilder.Include<Test>().Build();
//for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
// Entity e = world.CreateEntity(i.ToString());
// world.Set(e, new Test());
//Action<int> forEntityIndex = ForEntityIndex;
//ParallelLoopResult result = Parallel.For(0, filter.Count, forEntityIndex);
//void ForEntityIndex(int entity)
// int delay = rnd.Next(1, 1000);
// Task.Delay(delay).Wait();
// Console.WriteLine($"ForEntityIndex | {filter.NthEntity(entity).ID}");
//namespace Hoi
// public readonly record struct Test;

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@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
using MoonTools.ECS;
using Nerfed.Runtime.Components;
namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Systems
//public class ParentSystem : MoonTools.ECS.System
// private readonly Filter parentsAddedFilter;
// private readonly Filter parentsRemovedFilter;
// private readonly Filter parentsFilter;
// public ParentSystem(World world) : base(world)
// {
// parentsAddedFilter = FilterBuilder.Include<Parent>().Exclude<PreviousParent>().Build();
// parentsRemovedFilter = FilterBuilder.Include<PreviousParent>().Exclude<Parent>().Build();
// parentsFilter = FilterBuilder.Include<Parent>().Include<PreviousParent>().Build();
// }
// public override void Update(TimeSpan delta)
// {
// // Update removed parents.
// foreach (Entity entity in parentsRemovedFilter.Entities)
// {
// // Do stuff here to update/remove child relations etc.
// //PreviousParent previousParent = Get<PreviousParent>(entity);
// //World.Unrelate<ChildParentRelation>(previousParent.parentEntity, entity);
// Remove<PreviousParent>(entity);
// }
// // Update added parents.
// foreach (Entity entity in parentsAddedFilter.Entities)
// {
// Parent parent = Get<Parent>(entity);
// if (Has<Parent>(parent.parentEntity) && Get<Parent>(parent.parentEntity).parentEntity == entity)
// {
// Log.Warning($"Entity {entity} cannot be a parent of entity {parent.parentEntity}, because {parent.parentEntity} is the parent of {entity}");
// Remove<Parent>(entity);
// continue;
// }
// PreviousParent previousParent = new(parent.parentEntity);
// Set(entity, previousParent);
// World.Relate(parent.parentEntity, entity, new ChildParentRelation());
// }
// // Update relations if the parent has changed.
// foreach (Entity entity in parentsFilter.Entities)
// {
// Parent parent = Get<Parent>(entity);
// PreviousParent previousParent = Get<PreviousParent>(entity);
// if(parent.parentEntity != previousParent.parentEntity)
// {
// World.Unrelate<ChildParentRelation>(previousParent.parentEntity, entity);
// Set(entity, new PreviousParent(parent.parentEntity));
// World.Relate(parent.parentEntity, entity, new ChildParentRelation());
// }
// }
// // TODO:
// // What if an parent entity gets destroyed?
// // How does the child know if the parent is in valid. Also we need to remove the parent component.
// // Maybe if we also relate the other way around child -> parent via relations, and the relation is gone that means the parent is gone so we should remove the component.
// }