
1724 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using RefreshCS;
namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Graphics;
// Recreate certain types in here so we can csharp-ify them and hide the Refresh namespace
public enum PrimitiveType
public enum LoadOp
public enum StoreOp
public enum IndexElementSize
public enum TextureFormat
/* Unsigned Normalized Float Color Formats */
/* Compressed Unsigned Normalized Float Color Formats */
/* Signed Normalized Float Color Formats */
/* Signed Float Color Formats */
/* Unsigned Integer Color Formats */
/* SRGB Color Formats */
/* Compressed SRGB Color Formats */
/* Depth Formats */
public enum TextureUsageFlags
Sampler = 0x1,
ColorTarget = 0x2,
DepthStencil = 0x4,
GraphicsStorage = 0x8,
ComputeStorageRead = 0x20,
ComputeStorageWrite = 0x40
public enum TextureType
public enum SampleCount
public enum CubeMapFace
public enum BufferUsageFlags
Vertex = 0x1,
Index = 0x2,
Indirect = 0x4,
GraphicsStorage = 0x8,
ComputeStorageRead = 0x20,
ComputeStorageWrite = 0x40
public enum TransferBufferUsage
public enum ShaderStage
public enum ShaderFormat
public enum VertexElementFormat
public enum VertexInputRate
public enum FillMode
public enum CullMode
public enum FrontFace
public enum CompareOp
public enum StencilOp
public enum BlendOp
public enum BlendFactor
public enum ColorComponentFlags
None = 0x0,
R = 0x1,
G = 0x2,
B = 0x4,
A = 0x8,
RGB = R | G | B,
RGBA = R | G| B | A
public enum Filter
public enum SamplerMipmapMode
public enum SamplerAddressMode
public enum PresentMode
public enum SwapchainComposition
public enum BackendFlags
Invalid = 0x0,
Vulkan = 0x1,
D3D11 = 0x2,
Metal = 0x4,
All = Vulkan | D3D11 | Metal
public struct DepthStencilValue
public float Depth;
public uint Stencil;
public DepthStencilValue(float depth, uint stencil)
Depth = depth;
Stencil = stencil;
// FIXME: can we do an unsafe cast somehow?
public Refresh.DepthStencilValue ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.DepthStencilValue
Depth = Depth,
Stencil = Stencil
public struct Rect
public int X;
public int Y;
public int W;
public int H;
public Rect(int x, int y, int w, int h)
X = x;
Y = y;
W = w;
H = h;
public Rect(int w, int h)
X = 0;
Y = 0;
W = w;
H = h;
// FIXME: can we do an unsafe cast somehow?
public Refresh.Rect ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.Rect
X = X,
Y = Y,
W = W,
H = H
public struct Viewport
public float X;
public float Y;
public float W;
public float H;
public float MinDepth;
public float MaxDepth;
public Viewport(float w, float h)
X = 0;
Y = 0;
W = w;
H = h;
MinDepth = 0;
MaxDepth = 1;
public Viewport(float x, float y, float w, float h)
X = x;
Y = y;
W = w;
H = h;
MinDepth = 0;
MaxDepth = 1;
public Viewport(float x, float y, float w, float h, float minDepth, float maxDepth)
X = x;
Y = y;
W = w;
H = h;
MinDepth = minDepth;
MaxDepth = maxDepth;
public Refresh.Viewport ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.Viewport
X = X,
Y = Y,
W = W,
H = H,
MinDepth = MinDepth,
MaxDepth = MaxDepth
public struct VertexBinding
public uint Binding;
public uint Stride;
public VertexInputRate InputRate;
public uint StepRate;
public static VertexBinding Create<T>(
uint binding = 0,
VertexInputRate inputRate = VertexInputRate.Vertex,
uint stepRate = 1
) where T : unmanaged
return new VertexBinding
Binding = binding,
InputRate = inputRate,
Stride = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf<T>(),
StepRate = stepRate
public Refresh.VertexBinding ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.VertexBinding
Binding = Binding,
Stride = Stride,
InputRate = (Refresh.VertexInputRate) InputRate,
StepRate = StepRate
public struct VertexAttribute
public uint Location;
public uint Binding;
public VertexElementFormat Format;
public uint Offset;
public Refresh.VertexAttribute ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.VertexAttribute
Location = Location,
Binding = Binding,
Format = (Refresh.VertexElementFormat) Format,
Offset = Offset
public struct StencilOpState
public StencilOp FailOp;
public StencilOp PassOp;
public StencilOp DepthFailOp;
public CompareOp CompareOp;
public Refresh.StencilOpState ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.StencilOpState
FailOp = (Refresh.StencilOp) FailOp,
PassOp = (Refresh.StencilOp) PassOp,
DepthFailOp = (Refresh.StencilOp) DepthFailOp,
CompareOp = (Refresh.CompareOp) CompareOp
/// <summary>
/// Determines how a color texture will be read/written in a render pass.
/// </summary>
public struct ColorAttachmentInfo
public TextureSlice TextureSlice;
/// <summary>
/// If LoadOp is set to Clear, the texture slice will be cleared to this color.
/// </summary>
public Color ClearColor;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what is done with the texture slice memory
/// at the beginning of the render pass. <br/>
/// Load:
/// Loads the data currently in the texture slice. <br/>
/// Clear:
/// Clears the texture slice to a single color. <br/>
/// DontCare:
/// The driver will do whatever it wants with the texture slice data.
/// This is a good option if you know that every single pixel will be written in the render pass.
/// </summary>
public LoadOp LoadOp;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what is done with the texture slice memory
/// at the end of the render pass. <br/>
/// Store:
/// Stores the results of the render pass in the texture slice memory. <br/>
/// DontCare:
/// The driver will do whatever it wants with the texture slice memory.
/// </summary>
public StoreOp StoreOp;
/// <summary>
/// If true, cycles the texture if it is bound.
/// </summary>
public bool Cycle;
public ColorAttachmentInfo(
TextureSlice textureSlice,
bool cycle,
Color clearColor,
StoreOp storeOp = StoreOp.Store
) {
TextureSlice = textureSlice;
ClearColor = clearColor;
LoadOp = LoadOp.Clear;
StoreOp = storeOp;
Cycle = cycle;
public ColorAttachmentInfo(
TextureSlice textureSlice,
bool cycle,
LoadOp loadOp = LoadOp.DontCare,
StoreOp storeOp = StoreOp.Store
) {
TextureSlice = textureSlice;
ClearColor = Color.White;
LoadOp = loadOp;
StoreOp = storeOp;
Cycle = cycle;
public Refresh.ColorAttachmentInfo ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.ColorAttachmentInfo
TextureSlice = TextureSlice.ToRefresh(),
ClearColor = new Refresh.Color
R = ClearColor.R / 255f,
G = ClearColor.G / 255f,
B = ClearColor.B / 255f,
A = ClearColor.A / 255f
LoadOp = (Refresh.LoadOp) LoadOp,
StoreOp = (Refresh.StoreOp) StoreOp,
Cycle = Conversions.BoolToInt(Cycle)
/// <summary>
/// Determines how a depth/stencil texture will be read/written in a render pass.
/// </summary>
public struct DepthStencilAttachmentInfo
public TextureSlice TextureSlice;
/// <summary>
/// If LoadOp is set to Clear, the texture slice depth will be cleared to this depth value. <br/>
/// If StencilLoadOp is set to Clear, the texture slice stencil value will be cleared to this stencil value.
/// </summary>
public DepthStencilValue DepthStencilClearValue;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what is done with the texture slice depth values
/// at the beginning of the render pass. <br/>
/// Load:
/// Loads the data currently in the texture slice. <br/>
/// Clear:
/// Clears the texture slice to a single depth value. <br/>
/// DontCare:
/// The driver will do whatever it wants with the texture slice data.
/// This is a good option if you know that every single pixel will be written in the render pass.
/// </summary>
public LoadOp LoadOp;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what is done with the texture slice depth values
/// at the end of the render pass. <br/>
/// Store:
/// Stores the results of the render pass in the texture slice memory. <br/>
/// DontCare:
/// The driver will do whatever it wants with the texture slice memory.
/// This is usually a good option for depth textures that don't need to be reused.
/// </summary>
public StoreOp StoreOp;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what is done with the texture slice stencil values
/// at the beginning of the render pass. <br/>
/// Load:
/// Loads the data currently in the texture slice. <br/>
/// Clear:
/// Clears the texture slice to a single stencil value. <br/>
/// DontCare:
/// The driver will do whatever it wants with the texture slice data.
/// This is a good option if you know that every single pixel will be written in the render pass.
/// </summary>
public LoadOp StencilLoadOp;
/// <summary>
/// Determines what is done with the texture slice stencil values
/// at the end of the render pass. <br/>
/// Store:
/// Stores the results of the render pass in the texture slice memory. <br/>
/// DontCare:
/// The driver will do whatever it wants with the texture slice memory.
/// This is usually a good option for stencil textures that don't need to be reused.
/// </summary>
public StoreOp StencilStoreOp;
/// <summary>
/// If true, cycles the texture if it is bound.
/// </summary>
public bool Cycle;
public DepthStencilAttachmentInfo(
TextureSlice textureSlice,
bool cycle,
DepthStencilValue clearValue,
StoreOp depthStoreOp = StoreOp.DontCare,
StoreOp stencilStoreOp = StoreOp.DontCare
TextureSlice = textureSlice;
DepthStencilClearValue = clearValue;
LoadOp = LoadOp.Clear;
StoreOp = depthStoreOp;
StencilLoadOp = LoadOp.Clear;
StencilStoreOp = stencilStoreOp;
Cycle = cycle;
public DepthStencilAttachmentInfo(
TextureSlice textureSlice,
bool cycle,
LoadOp loadOp = LoadOp.DontCare,
StoreOp storeOp = StoreOp.DontCare,
LoadOp stencilLoadOp = LoadOp.DontCare,
StoreOp stencilStoreOp = StoreOp.DontCare
) {
TextureSlice = textureSlice;
DepthStencilClearValue = new DepthStencilValue();
LoadOp = loadOp;
StoreOp = storeOp;
StencilLoadOp = stencilLoadOp;
StencilStoreOp = stencilStoreOp;
Cycle = cycle;
public DepthStencilAttachmentInfo(
TextureSlice textureSlice,
bool cycle,
DepthStencilValue clearValue,
LoadOp loadOp,
StoreOp storeOp,
LoadOp stencilLoadOp,
StoreOp stencilStoreOp
) {
TextureSlice = textureSlice;
DepthStencilClearValue = clearValue;
LoadOp = loadOp;
StoreOp = storeOp;
StencilLoadOp = stencilLoadOp;
StencilStoreOp = stencilStoreOp;
Cycle = cycle;
public Refresh.DepthStencilAttachmentInfo ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.DepthStencilAttachmentInfo
TextureSlice = TextureSlice.ToRefresh(),
DepthStencilClearValue = DepthStencilClearValue.ToRefresh(),
LoadOp = (Refresh.LoadOp) LoadOp,
StoreOp = (Refresh.StoreOp) StoreOp,
StencilLoadOp = (Refresh.LoadOp) StencilLoadOp,
StencilStoreOp = (Refresh.StoreOp) StencilStoreOp,
Cycle = Conversions.BoolToInt(Cycle)
/// <summary>
/// Defines how color blending will be performed in a GraphicsPipeline.
/// </summary>
public struct ColorAttachmentBlendState
/// <summary>
/// If disabled, no blending will occur.
/// </summary>
public bool BlendEnable;
/// <summary>
/// Selects which blend operation to use with alpha values.
/// </summary>
public BlendOp AlphaBlendOp;
/// <summary>
/// Selects which blend operation to use with color values.
/// </summary>
public BlendOp ColorBlendOp;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies which of the RGBA components are enabled for writing.
/// </summary>
public ColorComponentFlags ColorWriteMask;
/// <summary>
/// Selects which blend factor is used to determine the alpha destination factor.
/// </summary>
public BlendFactor DestinationAlphaBlendFactor;
/// <summary>
/// Selects which blend factor is used to determine the color destination factor.
/// </summary>
public BlendFactor DestinationColorBlendFactor;
/// <summary>
/// Selects which blend factor is used to determine the alpha source factor.
/// </summary>
public BlendFactor SourceAlphaBlendFactor;
/// <summary>
/// Selects which blend factor is used to determine the color source factor.
/// </summary>
public BlendFactor SourceColorBlendFactor;
public static readonly ColorAttachmentBlendState Additive = new ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = true,
AlphaBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorWriteMask = ColorComponentFlags.RGBA,
SourceColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.SourceAlpha,
SourceAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.SourceAlpha,
DestinationColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.One,
DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.One
public static readonly ColorAttachmentBlendState AlphaBlend = new ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = true,
AlphaBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorWriteMask = ColorComponentFlags.RGBA,
SourceColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.One,
SourceAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.One,
DestinationColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha,
DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha
public static readonly ColorAttachmentBlendState NonPremultiplied = new ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = true,
AlphaBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorWriteMask = ColorComponentFlags.RGBA,
SourceColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.SourceAlpha,
SourceAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.SourceAlpha,
DestinationColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha,
DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha
public static readonly ColorAttachmentBlendState Opaque = new ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = true,
AlphaBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorBlendOp = BlendOp.Add,
ColorWriteMask = ColorComponentFlags.RGBA,
SourceColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.One,
SourceAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.One,
DestinationColorBlendFactor = BlendFactor.Zero,
DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = BlendFactor.Zero
public static readonly ColorAttachmentBlendState None = new ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = false,
ColorWriteMask = ColorComponentFlags.RGBA
public static readonly ColorAttachmentBlendState Disable = new ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = false,
ColorWriteMask = ColorComponentFlags.None
public Refresh.ColorAttachmentBlendState ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.ColorAttachmentBlendState
BlendEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(BlendEnable),
AlphaBlendOp = (Refresh.BlendOp) AlphaBlendOp,
ColorBlendOp = (Refresh.BlendOp) ColorBlendOp,
ColorWriteMask = (Refresh.ColorComponentFlags) ColorWriteMask,
DestinationAlphaBlendFactor = (Refresh.BlendFactor) DestinationAlphaBlendFactor,
DestinationColorBlendFactor = (Refresh.BlendFactor) DestinationColorBlendFactor,
SourceAlphaBlendFactor = (Refresh.BlendFactor) SourceAlphaBlendFactor,
SourceColorBlendFactor = (Refresh.BlendFactor) SourceColorBlendFactor
public struct ColorAttachmentDescription
public TextureFormat Format;
public ColorAttachmentBlendState BlendState;
public ColorAttachmentDescription(
TextureFormat format,
ColorAttachmentBlendState blendState
) {
Format = format;
BlendState = blendState;
public struct IndirectDrawCommand
public uint VertexCount;
public uint InstanceCount;
public uint FirstVertex;
public uint FirstInstance;
public IndirectDrawCommand(
uint vertexCount,
uint instanceCount,
uint firstVertex,
uint firstInstance
) {
VertexCount = vertexCount;
InstanceCount = instanceCount;
FirstVertex = firstVertex;
FirstInstance = firstInstance;
/// <summary>
/// A buffer location used when transferring data.
/// </summary>
public record struct BufferLocation(
Buffer Buffer,
uint Offset
) {
public Refresh.BufferLocation ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.BufferLocation
Buffer = Buffer.Handle,
Offset = Offset
/// <summary>
/// A buffer region used when transferring data.
/// </summary>
public record struct BufferRegion(
Buffer Buffer,
uint Offset,
uint Size
) {
public Refresh.BufferRegion ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.BufferRegion
Buffer = Buffer.Handle,
Offset = Offset,
Size = Size
/// <summary>
/// A buffer-offset pair to be used when binding buffers.
/// </summary>
public record struct BufferBinding(
Buffer Buffer,
uint Offset
) {
public Refresh.BufferBinding ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.BufferBinding
Buffer = Buffer.Handle,
Offset = Offset
/// <summary>
/// A texture-sampler pair to be used when binding samplers.
/// </summary>
public record struct TextureSamplerBinding(
Texture Texture,
Sampler Sampler
) {
public Refresh.TextureSamplerBinding ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TextureSamplerBinding
Texture = Texture.Handle,
Sampler = Sampler.Handle
public record struct StorageBufferReadWriteBinding(
Buffer Buffer,
bool Cycle
) {
public Refresh.StorageBufferReadWriteBinding ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.StorageBufferReadWriteBinding
Buffer = Buffer.Handle,
Cycle = Conversions.BoolToInt(Cycle)
public record struct StorageTextureReadWriteBinding(
in TextureSlice TextureSlice,
bool Cycle
) {
public Refresh.StorageTextureReadWriteBinding ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.StorageTextureReadWriteBinding
TextureSlice = TextureSlice.ToRefresh(),
Cycle = Conversions.BoolToInt(Cycle)
/// <summary>
/// A convenience structure for pairing a vertex binding with its associated attributes.
/// </summary>
public struct VertexBindingAndAttributes
public VertexBinding VertexBinding { get; }
public VertexAttribute[] VertexAttributes { get; }
public VertexBindingAndAttributes(VertexBinding binding, VertexAttribute[] attributes)
VertexBinding = binding;
VertexAttributes = attributes;
public static VertexBindingAndAttributes Create<T>(uint bindingIndex, uint locationOffset = 0, VertexInputRate inputRate = VertexInputRate.Vertex) where T : unmanaged, IVertexType
VertexBinding binding = VertexBinding.Create<T>(bindingIndex, inputRate);
VertexAttribute[] attributes = new VertexAttribute[T.Formats.Length];
for (uint i = 0; i < T.Formats.Length; i += 1)
VertexElementFormat format = T.Formats[i];
uint offset = T.Offsets[i];
attributes[i] = new VertexAttribute
Binding = bindingIndex,
Location = locationOffset + i,
Format = format,
Offset = offset
return new VertexBindingAndAttributes(binding, attributes);
/// <summary>
/// Specifies how the vertex shader will interpet vertex data in a buffer.
/// </summary>
public struct VertexInputState
public VertexBinding[] VertexBindings;
public VertexAttribute[] VertexAttributes;
public static readonly VertexInputState Empty = new VertexInputState
VertexBindings = System.Array.Empty<VertexBinding>(),
VertexAttributes = System.Array.Empty<VertexAttribute>()
public VertexInputState(
VertexBinding vertexBinding,
VertexAttribute[] vertexAttributes
) {
VertexBindings = new VertexBinding[] { vertexBinding };
VertexAttributes = vertexAttributes;
public VertexInputState(
VertexBinding[] vertexBindings,
VertexAttribute[] vertexAttributes
) {
VertexBindings = vertexBindings;
VertexAttributes = vertexAttributes;
public VertexInputState(
VertexBindingAndAttributes bindingAndAttributes
) {
VertexBindings = new VertexBinding[] { bindingAndAttributes.VertexBinding };
VertexAttributes = bindingAndAttributes.VertexAttributes;
public VertexInputState(
VertexBindingAndAttributes[] bindingAndAttributesArray
) {
VertexBindings = new VertexBinding[bindingAndAttributesArray.Length];
int attributesLength = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bindingAndAttributesArray.Length; i += 1)
VertexBindings[i] = bindingAndAttributesArray[i].VertexBinding;
attributesLength += bindingAndAttributesArray[i].VertexAttributes.Length;
VertexAttributes = new VertexAttribute[attributesLength];
int attributeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bindingAndAttributesArray.Length; i += 1)
for (int j = 0; j < bindingAndAttributesArray[i].VertexAttributes.Length; j += 1)
VertexAttributes[attributeIndex] = bindingAndAttributesArray[i].VertexAttributes[j];
attributeIndex += 1;
public static VertexInputState CreateSingleBinding<T>() where T : unmanaged, IVertexType
return new VertexInputState(VertexBindingAndAttributes.Create<T>(0));
/// <summary>
/// Specifies how the rasterizer should be configured for a graphics pipeline.
/// </summary>
public struct RasterizerState
/// <summary>
/// Specifies whether front faces, back faces, none, or both should be culled.
/// </summary>
public CullMode CullMode;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies maximum depth bias of a fragment. Only applies if depth biasing is enabled.
/// </summary>
public float DepthBiasClamp;
/// <summary>
/// The constant depth value added to each fragment. Only applies if depth biasing is enabled.
/// </summary>
public float DepthBiasConstantFactor;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies whether depth biasing is enabled. Only applies if depth biasing is enabled.
/// </summary>
public bool DepthBiasEnable;
/// <summary>
/// Factor applied to a fragment's slope in depth bias calculations. Only applies if depth biasing is enabled.
/// </summary>
public float DepthBiasSlopeFactor;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies how triangles should be drawn.
/// </summary>
public FillMode FillMode;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies which triangle winding order is designated as front-facing.
/// </summary>
public FrontFace FrontFace;
public static readonly RasterizerState CW_CullFront = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.Front,
FrontFace = FrontFace.Clockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Fill,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CW_CullBack = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.Back,
FrontFace = FrontFace.Clockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Fill,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CW_CullNone = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.None,
FrontFace = FrontFace.Clockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Fill,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CW_Wireframe = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.None,
FrontFace = FrontFace.Clockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Line,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CCW_CullFront = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.Front,
FrontFace = FrontFace.CounterClockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Fill,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CCW_CullBack = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.Back,
FrontFace = FrontFace.CounterClockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Fill,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CCW_CullNone = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.None,
FrontFace = FrontFace.CounterClockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Fill,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public static readonly RasterizerState CCW_Wireframe = new RasterizerState
CullMode = CullMode.None,
FrontFace = FrontFace.CounterClockwise,
FillMode = FillMode.Line,
DepthBiasEnable = false
public Refresh.RasterizerState ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.RasterizerState
CullMode = (Refresh.CullMode) CullMode,
DepthBiasClamp = DepthBiasClamp,
DepthBiasConstantFactor = DepthBiasConstantFactor,
DepthBiasEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(DepthBiasEnable),
DepthBiasSlopeFactor = DepthBiasSlopeFactor,
FillMode = (Refresh.FillMode) FillMode,
FrontFace = (Refresh.FrontFace) FrontFace
/// <summary>
/// Specifies how many samples should be used in rasterization.
/// </summary>
public struct MultisampleState
public SampleCount MultisampleCount;
public uint SampleMask;
public static readonly MultisampleState None = new MultisampleState
MultisampleCount = SampleCount.One,
SampleMask = uint.MaxValue
public MultisampleState(
SampleCount sampleCount,
uint sampleMask = uint.MaxValue
) {
MultisampleCount = sampleCount;
SampleMask = sampleMask;
public Refresh.MultisampleState ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.MultisampleState
MultisampleCount = (Refresh.SampleCount) MultisampleCount,
SampleMask = SampleMask
/// <summary>
/// Determines how data is written to and read from the depth/stencil buffer.
/// </summary>
public struct DepthStencilState
/// <summary>
/// If disabled, no depth culling will occur.
/// </summary>
public bool DepthTestEnable;
/// <summary>
/// Describes the back-face stencil operation.
/// </summary>
public StencilOpState BackStencilState;
/// <summary>
/// Describes the front-face stencil operation.
/// </summary>
public StencilOpState FrontStencilState;
/// <summary>
/// The compare mask for stencil ops.
/// </summary>
public uint CompareMask;
/// <summary>
/// The write mask for stencil ops.
/// </summary>
public uint WriteMask;
/// <summary>
/// The stencil reference value.
/// </summary>
public uint Reference;
/// <summary>
/// The comparison operator used in the depth test.
/// </summary>
public CompareOp CompareOp;
/// <summary>
/// Specifies whether depth values will be written to the buffer during rendering.
/// </summary>
public bool DepthWriteEnable;
/// <summary>
/// If disabled, no stencil culling will occur.
/// </summary>
public bool StencilTestEnable;
public static readonly DepthStencilState DepthReadWrite = new DepthStencilState
DepthTestEnable = true,
DepthWriteEnable = true,
StencilTestEnable = false,
CompareOp = CompareOp.LessOrEqual
public static readonly DepthStencilState DepthRead = new DepthStencilState
DepthTestEnable = true,
DepthWriteEnable = false,
StencilTestEnable = false,
CompareOp = CompareOp.LessOrEqual
public static readonly DepthStencilState Disable = new DepthStencilState
DepthTestEnable = false,
DepthWriteEnable = false,
StencilTestEnable = false
public Refresh.DepthStencilState ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.DepthStencilState
DepthTestEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(DepthTestEnable),
BackStencilState = BackStencilState.ToRefresh(),
FrontStencilState = FrontStencilState.ToRefresh(),
CompareMask = CompareMask,
WriteMask = WriteMask,
Reference = Reference,
CompareOp = (Refresh.CompareOp) CompareOp,
DepthWriteEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(DepthWriteEnable),
StencilTestEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(StencilTestEnable)
/// <summary>
/// Describes the kind of attachments that will be used with this pipeline.
/// </summary>
public struct GraphicsPipelineAttachmentInfo
public ColorAttachmentDescription[] ColorAttachmentDescriptions;
public bool HasDepthStencilAttachment;
public TextureFormat DepthStencilFormat;
public GraphicsPipelineAttachmentInfo(
params ColorAttachmentDescription[] colorAttachmentDescriptions
) {
ColorAttachmentDescriptions = colorAttachmentDescriptions;
HasDepthStencilAttachment = false;
DepthStencilFormat = TextureFormat.D16_UNORM;
public GraphicsPipelineAttachmentInfo(
TextureFormat depthStencilFormat,
params ColorAttachmentDescription[] colorAttachmentDescriptions
) {
ColorAttachmentDescriptions = colorAttachmentDescriptions;
HasDepthStencilAttachment = true;
DepthStencilFormat = depthStencilFormat;
public struct BlendConstants
public float R;
public float G;
public float B;
public float A;
/// <summary>
/// All of the information that is used to create a GraphicsPipeline.
/// </summary>
public struct GraphicsPipelineCreateInfo
public Shader VertexShader;
public Shader FragmentShader;
public VertexInputState VertexInputState;
public PrimitiveType PrimitiveType;
public RasterizerState RasterizerState;
public MultisampleState MultisampleState;
public DepthStencilState DepthStencilState;
public GraphicsPipelineAttachmentInfo AttachmentInfo;
public BlendConstants BlendConstants;
public struct ComputePipelineCreateInfo
public ShaderFormat ShaderFormat;
public uint ReadOnlyStorageTextureCount;
public uint ReadOnlyStorageBufferCount;
public uint ReadWriteStorageTextureCount;
public uint ReadWriteStorageBufferCount;
public uint UniformBufferCount;
public uint ThreadCountX;
public uint ThreadCountY;
public uint ThreadCountZ;
public struct ShaderCreateInfo
public ShaderStage ShaderStage;
public ShaderFormat ShaderFormat;
public uint SamplerCount;
public uint StorageTextureCount;
public uint StorageBufferCount;
public uint UniformBufferCount;
public static ShaderCreateInfo None = new ShaderCreateInfo();
/// <summary>
/// All of the information that is used to create a texture.
/// </summary>
public struct TextureCreateInfo
public uint Width;
public uint Height;
public uint Depth;
public bool IsCube;
public uint LayerCount;
public uint LevelCount;
public SampleCount SampleCount;
public TextureFormat Format;
public TextureUsageFlags UsageFlags;
public Refresh.TextureCreateInfo ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TextureCreateInfo
Width = Width,
Height = Height,
Depth = Depth,
IsCube = Conversions.BoolToInt(IsCube),
LayerCount = LayerCount,
LevelCount = LevelCount,
SampleCount = (Refresh.SampleCount) SampleCount,
Format = (Refresh.TextureFormat) Format,
UsageFlags = (Refresh.TextureUsageFlags) UsageFlags
/// <summary>
/// All of the information that is used to create a sampler.
/// </summary>
public struct SamplerCreateInfo
/// <summary>
/// Minification filter mode. Used when the image is downscaled.
/// </summary>
public Filter MinFilter;
/// <summary>
/// Magnification filter mode. Used when the image is upscaled.
/// </summary>
public Filter MagFilter;
/// <summary>
/// Filter mode applied to mipmap lookups.
/// </summary>
public SamplerMipmapMode MipmapMode;
/// <summary>
/// Horizontal addressing mode.
/// </summary>
public SamplerAddressMode AddressModeU;
/// <summary>
/// Vertical addressing mode.
/// </summary>
public SamplerAddressMode AddressModeV;
/// <summary>
/// Depth addressing mode.
/// </summary>
public SamplerAddressMode AddressModeW;
/// <summary>
/// Bias value added to mipmap level of detail calculation.
/// </summary>
public float MipLodBias;
/// <summary>
/// Enables anisotropic filtering.
/// </summary>
public bool AnisotropyEnable;
/// <summary>
/// Maximum anisotropy value.
/// </summary>
public float MaxAnisotropy;
public bool CompareEnable;
public CompareOp CompareOp;
/// <summary>
/// Clamps the LOD value to a specified minimum.
/// </summary>
public float MinLod;
/// <summary>
/// Clamps the LOD value to a specified maximum.
/// </summary>
public float MaxLod;
public static readonly SamplerCreateInfo AnisotropicClamp = new SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = Filter.Linear,
MagFilter = Filter.Linear,
MipmapMode = SamplerMipmapMode.Linear,
AddressModeU = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
AddressModeV = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
AddressModeW = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
CompareEnable = false,
AnisotropyEnable = true,
MaxAnisotropy = 4,
MipLodBias = 0f,
MinLod = 0,
MaxLod = 1000 /* VK_LOD_CLAMP_NONE */
public static readonly SamplerCreateInfo AnisotropicWrap = new SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = Filter.Linear,
MagFilter = Filter.Linear,
MipmapMode = SamplerMipmapMode.Linear,
AddressModeU = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
AddressModeV = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
AddressModeW = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
CompareEnable = false,
AnisotropyEnable = true,
MaxAnisotropy = 4,
MipLodBias = 0f,
MinLod = 0,
MaxLod = 1000 /* VK_LOD_CLAMP_NONE */
public static readonly SamplerCreateInfo LinearClamp = new SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = Filter.Linear,
MagFilter = Filter.Linear,
MipmapMode = SamplerMipmapMode.Linear,
AddressModeU = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
AddressModeV = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
AddressModeW = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
CompareEnable = false,
AnisotropyEnable = false,
MipLodBias = 0f,
MinLod = 0,
MaxLod = 1000
public static readonly SamplerCreateInfo LinearWrap = new SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = Filter.Linear,
MagFilter = Filter.Linear,
MipmapMode = SamplerMipmapMode.Linear,
AddressModeU = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
AddressModeV = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
AddressModeW = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
CompareEnable = false,
AnisotropyEnable = false,
MipLodBias = 0f,
MinLod = 0,
MaxLod = 1000
public static readonly SamplerCreateInfo PointClamp = new SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = Filter.Nearest,
MagFilter = Filter.Nearest,
MipmapMode = SamplerMipmapMode.Nearest,
AddressModeU = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
AddressModeV = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
AddressModeW = SamplerAddressMode.ClampToEdge,
CompareEnable = false,
AnisotropyEnable = false,
MipLodBias = 0f,
MinLod = 0,
MaxLod = 1000
public static readonly SamplerCreateInfo PointWrap = new SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = Filter.Nearest,
MagFilter = Filter.Nearest,
MipmapMode = SamplerMipmapMode.Nearest,
AddressModeU = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
AddressModeV = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
AddressModeW = SamplerAddressMode.Repeat,
CompareEnable = false,
AnisotropyEnable = false,
MipLodBias = 0f,
MinLod = 0,
MaxLod = 1000
public Refresh.SamplerCreateInfo ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.SamplerCreateInfo
MinFilter = (Refresh.Filter) MinFilter,
MagFilter = (Refresh.Filter) MagFilter,
MipmapMode = (Refresh.SamplerMipmapMode) MipmapMode,
AddressModeU = (Refresh.SamplerAddressMode) AddressModeU,
AddressModeV = (Refresh.SamplerAddressMode) AddressModeV,
AddressModeW = (Refresh.SamplerAddressMode) AddressModeW,
MipLodBias = MipLodBias,
AnisotropyEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(AnisotropyEnable),
MaxAnisotropy = MaxAnisotropy,
CompareEnable = Conversions.BoolToInt(CompareEnable),
CompareOp = (Refresh.CompareOp) CompareOp,
MinLod = MinLod,
MaxLod = MaxLod
/// <summary>
/// Contains data pertaining to a texture upload or download.
/// </summary>
public record struct TextureTransferInfo(
TransferBuffer TransferBuffer,
uint Offset = 0,
uint ImagePitch = 0,
uint ImageHeight = 0
) {
public Refresh.TextureTransferInfo ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TextureTransferInfo
TransferBuffer = TransferBuffer.Handle,
Offset = Offset,
ImagePitch = ImagePitch,
ImageHeight = ImageHeight
public record struct TransferBufferLocation(
TransferBuffer TransferBuffer,
uint Offset = 0
) {
public Refresh.TransferBufferLocation ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TransferBufferLocation
TransferBuffer = TransferBuffer.Handle,
Offset = Offset
public record struct TransferBufferRegion(
TransferBuffer TransferBuffer,
uint Offset,
uint Size
) {
public Refresh.TransferBufferRegion ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TransferBufferRegion
TransferBuffer = TransferBuffer.Handle,
Offset = Offset,
Size = Size
/// <summary>
/// A texture slice specifies a subresource of a texture.
/// </summary>
public record struct TextureSlice(
Texture Texture,
uint MipLevel = 0,
uint Layer = 0
) {
public uint Size => (Texture.Width * Texture.Height * Texture.Depth * Texture.BytesPerPixel(Texture.Format) / Texture.BlockSizeSquared(Texture.Format)) >> (int) MipLevel;
public Refresh.TextureSlice ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TextureSlice
Texture = Texture.Handle,
MipLevel = MipLevel,
Layer = Layer
public record struct TextureLocation
TextureSlice TextureSlice,
uint X = 0,
uint Y = 0,
uint Z = 0
) {
public Refresh.TextureLocation ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TextureLocation
TextureSlice = TextureSlice.ToRefresh(),
X = X,
Y = Y,
Z = Z
/// <summary>
/// A texture region specifies a subregion of a texture.
/// These are used by copy commands.
/// </summary>
public record struct TextureRegion(
TextureSlice TextureSlice,
uint X,
uint Y,
uint Z,
uint Width,
uint Height,
uint Depth
) {
public uint Size => (Width * Height * Depth * Texture.BytesPerPixel(TextureSlice.Texture.Format) / Texture.BlockSizeSquared(TextureSlice.Texture.Format)) >> (int) TextureSlice.MipLevel;
public TextureRegion(Texture texture) : this(texture, 0, 0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height, texture.Depth) { }
public Refresh.TextureRegion ToRefresh()
return new Refresh.TextureRegion
TextureSlice = TextureSlice.ToRefresh(),
X = X,
Y = Y,
Z = Z,
W = Width,
H = Height,
D = Depth