- 2 New advancements for the locked interaction. - Removed 2 default folder, crafting recipes and loot tables
10 lines
537 B
10 lines
537 B
# --- HeroGames - Copyright (c) HeroHost team (code provided by HeroChris). ---
advancement revoke @s only herohost:misc/lock
title @s actionbar [{"translate":"hhost.minigame.locked","fallback":"You can't do that! This is not yours to touch."}]
playsound minecraft:block.nether_wood.break master @s ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1
# advancement related
scoreboard players add @s +hc.locked 1
advancement grant @s only herohost:/hands_off
execute if score @s +hc.locked matches 10.. run advancement grant @s only herohost:herohost/hard_listener |