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# --- HeroGames - Copyright (c) HeroHost team (code provided by HeroChris). ---
# world below y50 tag
execute if entity @s[predicate=herohost:world_y50] run tag @s add hc.world_y50
# default functionality
clear @s[tag=!hc.world_y50]
item replace entity @s armor.feet with minecraft:leather_boots[minecraft:enchantments={levels:{"herohost:lobby":1}}]
execute in herohost:world run tp @s 5 109 50 -90 0
execute in herohost:world run spawnpoint @s 5 109 50 -90
# stop execution of normal
execute if entity @s[tag=!hc.world_y50] run return fail
# world below y50 execution
execute at @s[tag=hc.world_y50] run playsound minecraft:entity.enderman.teleport ambient @s ~ ~ ~ 0.7 0.7
title @s[tag=hc.world_y50] actionbar [{"translate":"hhost.minigame."}]
tag @s[tag=hc.world_y50] remove hc.world_y50