# [Omiya Games](https://www.omiyagames.com/) - Template Unity Package [![ko-fi](https://www.ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/I3I51KS8F) ![Unity Package Manager](https://omiyagames.github.io/template-unity-package/resources/preview.png) **Template Unity Package** is a Github template [Omiya Games](https://www.omiyagames.com/) uses to start a new Unity package. Developers intending to utilize this project as a starting point to develop their own package should [visit the Github page](https://github.com/OmiyaGames/template-unity-package) and: - If they plan on creating a new online repository on Github directly, click on the green "Use this template" button to get started, or - Click the "Releases" link, and download the latest archive as zip or gzip file. ## Structure The project follows [Unity's recommend file and folder format](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/cus-layout.html), albeit with a few changes: ``` ├── package.json ├── README.md ├── CHANGELOG.md ├── LICENSE.md ├── THIRD PARTY NOTICES.md ├── .gitignore ├── Runtime │ ├── OmiyaGames.Template.asmdef │ └── RuntimeExample.cs ├── Editor │ ├── OmiyaGames.Template.Editor.asmdef │ └── EditorExample.cs └── Tests │ ├── Runtime │ │ ├── OmiyaGames.Template.Tests.asmdef │ │ └── RuntimeExampleTest.cs │ └── Editor │ ├── OmiyaGames.Template.Editor.Tests.asmdef │ └── EditorExampleTest.cs ├── Samples~ │ └── Example1 │ └── Example.txt ├── Documentation~ | ├── index.md | ├── Doxyfile | ├── docfx.json | ├── toc.yml | ├── filterConfig.yml | ├── manual | | ├── toc.yml | | ├── customizeDocumentation.md | | ├── customizePackage.md | | ├── customizeSamples.md | | └── README.md | └── resources | ├── preview.png | └── README.md └── .github ├── FUNDING.yml ├── ISSUE_TEMPLATE | ├── bug_report.md | ├── feature_request.md | ├── documentation-template.md | └── research_template.md └── workflows ├── documentation.yml └── mirror.yml ``` ## Common Text Formats Note that this sprawling list of files contains a large number of common, human-readable (i.e. non-code, data-storing) text formats. If some of these file extensions are unfamiliar, the following resources describes how to edit and format the most common text files used in this project: - [JSON (`*.json, *.asmdef`)](https://www.json.org/json-en.html) - Although the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#Data_types_and_syntax) might be easier understand. - [YAML (`*.yml`)](https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#Preview) - Again, the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Syntax). - [Markdown (`*.md`)](https://www.markdownguide.org/getting-started/) - They also provide [a cheatsheet](https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet)! - [Bonus: `.gitignore`](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore#_pattern_format) ## About the Manual As many of these files are intended to be edited and/or renamed, this manual has been split up into three parts. The links below briefly covers how to update this package's files for your own package development. - [Customizing Package Files](https://omiyagames.github.io/template-unity-package/manual/customizePackage.html) - [Adding Source Code and Assets](https://omiyagames.github.io/template-unity-package/manual/customizeSource.html) - [Adding Importable Assets](https://omiyagames.github.io/template-unity-package/manual/customizeSamples.html) - [Customizing Documentation](https://omiyagames.github.io/template-unity-package/manual/customizeDocumentation.html) As an aside, [the author](https://github.com/japtar10101) of this manual provided a more thorough guide with graphics on their own blog: [*How to Split Up an Existing Unity Git Project into Smaller Unity Packages*](https://www.taroomiya.com/2020/04/29/how-to-split-up-an-existing-unity-git-project-into-smaller-unity-packages/). It's worth reviewing if the manual seems a little sparse. Finally, changes in the project is documented under the [change log page](https://omiyagames.github.io/template-unity-package/manual/changelog.html). ## LICENSE Overall package is licensed under [MIT](https://github.com/OmiyaGames/template-unity-package/blob/master/LICENSE.md), unless otherwise noted in the [3rd party licenses](https://github.com/OmiyaGames/template-unity-package/blob/master/THIRD%20PARTY%20NOTICES.md) file and/or source code.