# TECH ART OUTSOURCE - Vertex Animation ![](Documentation~/Images/ProjectCastle_01.gif) A vertex animation baking tool, shaders, and animation system for Unity DOTS/ECS. Render tens of thousands of models at the same time each with its own animation state. ## Features - Vertex animation model baker - Multiple animations (stored in one Texture2DArray) - LOD generation - Prefab generation - Animation book generation - DOTS animation system - Simple API - Animation library and books - Shaders - Lit vertex animation shader - Interpolation - Normal encoding and decoding - Shader graph support - Animation blending ### Model Baker Artist friendly GUI for converting models. ![](Documentation~/Images/VA_ModelBaker_01.png) ### DOTS Animation System Sample code to play an animation. ```C# protected override void OnUpdate() { float deltaTime = UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime; Entities.ForEach((Entity entity, ref VA_AnimatorComponent ac) => { // Get the animation lib data. ref VA_AnimationLibraryData animationsRef = ref ac.animationLibrary.Value; // Set the animation index on the AnimatorComponent to play this animation. ac.animationIndex = VA_AnimationLibraryUtils.GetAnimation(ref animationsRef, animationName); // 'Play' the actual animation. ac.animationTime += deltaTime * animationsRef.animations[ac.animationIndex].frameTime; }).ScheduleParallel(); } ``` ### Shaders Lit example shader (build in shader graph). Full shader graph support. ![](Documentation~/Images/VA_Shaders_01.png) ## Install [Installing from a Git URL](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/upm-ui-giturl.html) [Documentation](Documentation~/VertexAnimation.md) ## Used By - [Project Castle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1517150/Project_Castle/) ## LICENSE Overall package is licensed under [MIT](/LICENSE.md), unless otherwise noted in the [3rd party licenses](/THIRD%20PARTY%20NOTICES.md) file and/or source code.