using Unity.Entities; using Unity.Transforms; using Unity.Collections; using UnityEngine; namespace TAO.VertexAnimation { [DisallowMultipleComponent] public class VA_AnimatorComponentAuthoring : MonoBehaviour { public VA_AnimationLibrary lib; } //[GenerateAuthoringComponent] public struct VA_AnimatorComponent : IComponentData { public int animationIndex; public int animationIndexNext; public float animationTime; public BlobAssetReference animationLibrary; } [UpdateAfter(typeof(VA_AnimationLibraryConversionSystem))] public class VA_AnimatorConversionSystem : GameObjectConversionSystem { protected override void OnUpdate() { // Static because of multi scene setup. //BlobAssetReference animLib = VA_AnimationLibraryConversionSystem.animLibAssetRef; Entities.ForEach((VA_AnimatorComponentAuthoring animator) => { BlobAssetStore.TryGet(animator.lib.key, out BlobAssetReference animLib); Entity entity = GetPrimaryEntity(animator); // Add animator to 'parent'. VA_AnimatorComponent animatorComponent = new VA_AnimatorComponent { animationIndex = 0, animationIndexNext = -1, animationTime = 0, animationLibrary = animLib }; DstEntityManager.AddComponentData(entity, animatorComponent); // Add the Material data to the children. var children = animator.GetComponentsInChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i++) { Entity ent = GetPrimaryEntity(children[i]); VA_AnimationDataComponent animationData = new VA_AnimationDataComponent(); DstEntityManager.AddComponentData(ent, animationData); } }); } } }