using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace TAO.VertexAnimation { public static class AnimationBaker { [System.Serializable] public struct BakedData { public Mesh mesh; public List positionMaps; public int maxFrames; public Vector3 minBounds; public Vector3 maxBounds; // Returns main position map. public Texture2D GetPositionMap { get { return positionMaps[0]; } } } [System.Serializable] public struct AnimationInfo { public bool applyRootMotion; public int rawFrameHeight; public int frameHeight; public int frameSpacing; public int frames; public int maxFrames; public int textureWidth; public int textureHeight; public int fps; // Create animation info and calculate values. public AnimationInfo(Mesh mesh, bool applyRootMotion, int frames, int textureWidth, int fps) { this.applyRootMotion = applyRootMotion; this.frames = frames; this.textureWidth = textureWidth; this.fps = fps; rawFrameHeight = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)mesh.vertices.Length / this.textureWidth); frameHeight = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(rawFrameHeight); frameSpacing = (frameHeight - rawFrameHeight) + 1; textureHeight = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(frameHeight * this.frames); maxFrames = textureHeight / frameHeight; } } [System.Serializable] public struct BakedAnimation { public Texture2D positionMap; public Vector3 minBounds; public Vector3 maxBounds; } public static BakedData Bake(this GameObject model, AnimationClip[] animationClips, bool applyRootMotion, int fps, int textureWidth) { BakedData bakedData = new BakedData() { mesh = null, positionMaps = new List(), minBounds = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue), maxBounds = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue) }; // Calculate what our max frames/time is going to be. int maxFrames = 0; foreach (AnimationClip ac in animationClips) { int frames = Mathf.FloorToInt(fps * ac.length); if (maxFrames < frames) { maxFrames = frames; } } // Get the target mesh to calculate the animation info. Mesh mesh = model.GetComponent().sharedMesh; // Get the info for the biggest animation. AnimationInfo animationInfo = new AnimationInfo(mesh, applyRootMotion, maxFrames, textureWidth, fps); foreach (AnimationClip ac in animationClips) { // Set the frames for this animation. animationInfo.frames = Mathf.FloorToInt(fps * ac.length); BakedData bd = Bake(model, ac, animationInfo); bakedData.mesh = bd.mesh; bakedData.positionMaps.AddRange(bd.positionMaps); bakedData.maxFrames = maxFrames; bakedData.minBounds = Vector3.Min(bakedData.minBounds, bd.minBounds); bakedData.maxBounds = Vector3.Max(bakedData.maxBounds, bd.maxBounds); } bakedData.mesh.bounds = new Bounds() { max = bakedData.maxBounds, min = bakedData.minBounds }; return bakedData; } public static BakedData Bake(this GameObject model, AnimationClip animationClip, AnimationInfo animationInfo) { Mesh mesh = new Mesh { name = string.Format("{0}", }; // Set root motion options. if (model.TryGetComponent(out Animator animator)) { animator.applyRootMotion = animationInfo.applyRootMotion; } // Bake mesh for a copy and to apply the new UV's to. SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = model.GetComponent(); skinnedMeshRenderer.BakeMesh(mesh); mesh.RecalculateBounds(); mesh.uv3 = mesh.BakePositionUVs(animationInfo); BakedAnimation bakedAnimation = BakeAnimation(model, animationClip, animationInfo); BakedData bakedData = new BakedData() { mesh = mesh, positionMaps = new List() { bakedAnimation.positionMap }, maxFrames = animationInfo.maxFrames, minBounds = bakedAnimation.minBounds, maxBounds = bakedAnimation.maxBounds }; mesh.bounds = new Bounds() { max = bakedAnimation.maxBounds, min = bakedAnimation.minBounds }; return bakedData; } public static BakedAnimation BakeAnimation(this GameObject model, AnimationClip animationClip, AnimationInfo animationInfo) { // Create positionMap Texture without MipMaps which is Linear and HDR to store values in a bigger range. Texture2D positionMap = new Texture2D(animationInfo.textureWidth, animationInfo.textureHeight, TextureFormat.RGBAHalf, false, true); // Keep track of min/max bounds. Vector3 min = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); Vector3 max = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue); // Create instance to sample from. GameObject inst = GameObject.Instantiate(model); SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedMeshRenderer = inst.GetComponent(); int y = 0; for (int f = 0; f < animationInfo.frames; f++) { animationClip.SampleAnimation(inst, (animationClip.length / animationInfo.frames) * f); Mesh sampledMesh = new Mesh(); skinnedMeshRenderer.BakeMesh(sampledMesh); List verts = new List(); sampledMesh.GetVertices(verts); List normals = new List(); sampledMesh.GetNormals(normals); int x = 0; for (int v = 0; v < verts.Count; v++) { min = Vector3.Min(min, verts[v]); max = Vector3.Max(max, verts[v]); positionMap.SetPixel(x, y, new Color(verts[v].x, verts[v].y, verts[v].z, VectorUtils.EncodeFloat3ToFloat1(normals[v])) ); x++; if (x >= animationInfo.textureWidth) { x = 0; y++; } } y += animationInfo.frameSpacing; } GameObject.DestroyImmediate(inst); = string.Format("VA_N-{0}_F-{1}_MF-{2}_FPS-{3}", NamingConventionUtils.ConvertToValidString(, animationInfo.frames, animationInfo.maxFrames, animationInfo.fps); positionMap.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; positionMap.Apply(false, true); return new BakedAnimation() { positionMap = positionMap, minBounds = min, maxBounds = max }; } public static Vector2[] BakePositionUVs(this Mesh mesh, AnimationInfo animationInfo) { Vector2[] uv3 = new Vector2[mesh.vertexCount]; float xOffset = 1.0f / animationInfo.textureWidth; float yOffset = 1.0f / animationInfo.textureHeight; float x = xOffset / 2.0f; float y = yOffset / 2.0f; for (int v = 0; v < uv3.Length; v++) { uv3[v] = new Vector2(x, y); x += xOffset; if (x >= 1.0f) { x = xOffset / 2.0f; y += yOffset; } } mesh.uv3 = uv3; return uv3; } } }