using UnityEngine; namespace VertexColor.ScenePartition { [System.Serializable] public class SceneGrid { [SerializeField] public int cellSize = 10; [SerializeField] private SceneGridDictionary grid = new SceneGridDictionary(); public SceneGridDictionary Grid => grid; public void Insert(ulong scenePartitionId, Vector3 point) { int gridId = CalculateGridPosition(point, cellSize); if (grid.TryGetValue(gridId, out GridList ids)) { ids.list.Add(scenePartitionId); } else { var l = new GridList(); l.list.Add(scenePartitionId); grid.Add(gridId, l); } } public static int CalculateGridPosition(Vector3 point, int cellSize) { int x = Mathf.FloorToInt(point.x / cellSize); int z = Mathf.FloorToInt(point.z / cellSize); return IntPairToInt(x, z); } public static int IntPairToInt(int x, int y) { // Combine x and y components into a single int return (x << 16) | (ushort)y; } public static (int, int) IntToIntPair(int value) { // Extract x and y components from the combined int int x = value >> 16; int y = (short)value; return (x, y); } public static long LongPairToLong(long x, long y) { // Combine x and y components into a single long return (x << 32) | (uint)y; } public static (long, long) LongToLongPair(long value) { // Extract x and y components from the combined long long x = value >> 32; long y = (uint)value; return (x, y); } public static ulong ULongPairToULong(ulong x, ulong y) { // Combine x and y components into a single ulong return (x << 32) | (uint)y; } public static (ulong, ulong) ULongToULongPair(ulong value) { // Extract x and y components from the combined ulong ulong x = value >> 32; ulong y = (uint)value; return (x, y); } } }