using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace VertexColor.ScenePartition.Editor { public static class ScenePartitionMenuEditor { [MenuItem("GameObject/ScenePartition/CopyObjectId", false, 10000)] public static void CopyObjectId(MenuCommand menuCommand) { // Get context from menu command instead of selection because the menu command is executed for each selected object when executed from the hierarchy. if (menuCommand.context is not GameObject go) return; if (go == null) return; if (go.scene == null) return; ulong id = ScenePartitionUtils.GetTargetObjectId(go); EditorGUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = id.ToString(); Debug.Log($"Copied object id '{id}' from '{go}' to clipboard"); } [MenuItem("GameObject/ScenePartition/AddToAlwaysLoad", false, 10000)] public static void AddToAlwaysLoad(MenuCommand menuCommand) { // Get context from menu command instead of selection because the menu command is executed for each selected object when executed from the hierarchy. if (menuCommand.context is not GameObject go) return; if (go == null) return; if (go.scene == null) return; if (!ScenePartitionUtils.TryGetScenePartitionSOForActiveScene(out var scenePartitionSO)) return; ulong id = ScenePartitionUtils.GetTargetObjectId(go); if (scenePartitionSO.alwaysLoadIds.Contains(id)) return; scenePartitionSO.alwaysLoadIds.Add(id); Debug.Log($"Added '{go}' ({id}) to '{}' ({scenePartitionSO.SceneName})"); } [MenuItem("GameObject/ScenePartition/RemoveFromAlwaysLoad", false, 10000)] public static void RemoveFromAlwaysLoad(MenuCommand menuCommand) { // Get context from menu command instead of selection because the menu command is executed for each selected object when executed from the hierarchy. if (menuCommand.context is not GameObject go) return; if (go == null) return; if (go.scene == null) return; if (!ScenePartitionUtils.TryGetScenePartitionSOForActiveScene(out var scenePartitionSO)) return; ulong id = ScenePartitionUtils.GetTargetObjectId(go); scenePartitionSO.alwaysLoadIds.Remove(id); Debug.Log($"Removed '{go}' ({id}) from '{}' ({scenePartitionSO.SceneName})"); } } }