#region License /* MoonWorks - Game Development Framework * Copyright 2021 Evan Hemsley */ /* Derived from code by Ethan Lee (Copyright 2009-2021). * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See fna.LICENSE for details. * Derived from code by the Mono.Xna Team (Copyright 2006). * Released under the MIT License. See monoxna.LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Numerics; using System.Text; using Nerfed.Runtime.Graphics.PackedVector; #endregion namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Graphics; /// /// Describes a 32-bit packed color. /// [Serializable] [DebuggerDisplay("{DebugDisplayString,nq}")] public struct Color : IEquatable, IPackedVector, IPackedVector { #region Public Properties /// /// Gets or sets the red component. /// public byte R { get { unchecked { return (byte) (this.packedValue); } } set { this.packedValue = (this.packedValue & 0xffffff00) | value; } } /// /// Gets or sets the green component. /// public byte G { get { unchecked { return (byte) (this.packedValue >> 8); } } set { this.packedValue = (this.packedValue & 0xffff00ff) | ((uint) value << 8); } } /// /// Gets or sets the blue component. /// public byte B { get { unchecked { return (byte) (this.packedValue >> 16); } } set { this.packedValue = (this.packedValue & 0xff00ffff) | ((uint) value << 16); } } /// /// Gets or sets the alpha component. /// public byte A { get { unchecked { return (byte) (this.packedValue >> 24); } } set { this.packedValue = (this.packedValue & 0x00ffffff) | ((uint) value << 24); } } /// /// Gets or sets packed value of this . /// public UInt32 PackedValue { get { return packedValue; } set { packedValue = value; } } #endregion #region Public Static Color Properties /// /// Transparent color (R:0,G:0,B:0,A:0). /// public static Color Transparent { get; private set; } /// /// AliceBlue color (R:240,G:248,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color AliceBlue { get; private set; } /// /// AntiqueWhite color (R:250,G:235,B:215,A:255). /// public static Color AntiqueWhite { get; private set; } /// /// Aqua color (R:0,G:255,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color Aqua { get; private set; } /// /// Aquamarine color (R:127,G:255,B:212,A:255). /// public static Color Aquamarine { get; private set; } /// /// Azure color (R:240,G:255,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color Azure { get; private set; } /// /// Beige color (R:245,G:245,B:220,A:255). /// public static Color Beige { get; private set; } /// /// Bisque color (R:255,G:228,B:196,A:255). /// public static Color Bisque { get; private set; } /// /// Black color (R:0,G:0,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Black { get; private set; } /// /// BlanchedAlmond color (R:255,G:235,B:205,A:255). /// public static Color BlanchedAlmond { get; private set; } /// /// Blue color (R:0,G:0,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color Blue { get; private set; } /// /// BlueViolet color (R:138,G:43,B:226,A:255). /// public static Color BlueViolet { get; private set; } /// /// Brown color (R:165,G:42,B:42,A:255). /// public static Color Brown { get; private set; } /// /// BurlyWood color (R:222,G:184,B:135,A:255). /// public static Color BurlyWood { get; private set; } /// /// CadetBlue color (R:95,G:158,B:160,A:255). /// public static Color CadetBlue { get; private set; } /// /// Chartreuse color (R:127,G:255,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Chartreuse { get; private set; } /// /// Chocolate color (R:210,G:105,B:30,A:255). /// public static Color Chocolate { get; private set; } /// /// Coral color (R:255,G:127,B:80,A:255). /// public static Color Coral { get; private set; } /// /// CornflowerBlue color (R:100,G:149,B:237,A:255). /// public static Color CornflowerBlue { get; private set; } /// /// Cornsilk color (R:255,G:248,B:220,A:255). /// public static Color Cornsilk { get; private set; } /// /// Crimson color (R:220,G:20,B:60,A:255). /// public static Color Crimson { get; private set; } /// /// Cyan color (R:0,G:255,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color Cyan { get; private set; } /// /// DarkBlue color (R:0,G:0,B:139,A:255). /// public static Color DarkBlue { get; private set; } /// /// DarkCyan color (R:0,G:139,B:139,A:255). /// public static Color DarkCyan { get; private set; } /// /// DarkGoldenrod color (R:184,G:134,B:11,A:255). /// public static Color DarkGoldenrod { get; private set; } /// /// DarkGray color (R:169,G:169,B:169,A:255). /// public static Color DarkGray { get; private set; } /// /// DarkGreen color (R:0,G:100,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color DarkGreen { get; private set; } /// /// DarkKhaki color (R:189,G:183,B:107,A:255). /// public static Color DarkKhaki { get; private set; } /// /// DarkMagenta color (R:139,G:0,B:139,A:255). /// public static Color DarkMagenta { get; private set; } /// /// DarkOliveGreen color (R:85,G:107,B:47,A:255). /// public static Color DarkOliveGreen { get; private set; } /// /// DarkOrange color (R:255,G:140,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color DarkOrange { get; private set; } /// /// DarkOrchid color (R:153,G:50,B:204,A:255). /// public static Color DarkOrchid { get; private set; } /// /// DarkRed color (R:139,G:0,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color DarkRed { get; private set; } /// /// DarkSalmon color (R:233,G:150,B:122,A:255). /// public static Color DarkSalmon { get; private set; } /// /// DarkSeaGreen color (R:143,G:188,B:139,A:255). /// public static Color DarkSeaGreen { get; private set; } /// /// DarkSlateBlue color (R:72,G:61,B:139,A:255). /// public static Color DarkSlateBlue { get; private set; } /// /// DarkSlateGray color (R:47,G:79,B:79,A:255). /// public static Color DarkSlateGray { get; private set; } /// /// DarkTurquoise color (R:0,G:206,B:209,A:255). /// public static Color DarkTurquoise { get; private set; } /// /// DarkViolet color (R:148,G:0,B:211,A:255). /// public static Color DarkViolet { get; private set; } /// /// DeepPink color (R:255,G:20,B:147,A:255). /// public static Color DeepPink { get; private set; } /// /// DeepSkyBlue color (R:0,G:191,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color DeepSkyBlue { get; private set; } /// /// DimGray color (R:105,G:105,B:105,A:255). /// public static Color DimGray { get; private set; } /// /// DodgerBlue color (R:30,G:144,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color DodgerBlue { get; private set; } /// /// Firebrick color (R:178,G:34,B:34,A:255). /// public static Color Firebrick { get; private set; } /// /// FloralWhite color (R:255,G:250,B:240,A:255). /// public static Color FloralWhite { get; private set; } /// /// ForestGreen color (R:34,G:139,B:34,A:255). /// public static Color ForestGreen { get; private set; } /// /// Fuchsia color (R:255,G:0,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color Fuchsia { get; private set; } /// /// Gainsboro color (R:220,G:220,B:220,A:255). /// public static Color Gainsboro { get; private set; } /// /// GhostWhite color (R:248,G:248,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color GhostWhite { get; private set; } /// /// Gold color (R:255,G:215,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Gold { get; private set; } /// /// Goldenrod color (R:218,G:165,B:32,A:255). /// public static Color Goldenrod { get; private set; } /// /// Gray color (R:128,G:128,B:128,A:255). /// public static Color Gray { get; private set; } /// /// Green color (R:0,G:128,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Green { get; private set; } /// /// GreenYellow color (R:173,G:255,B:47,A:255). /// public static Color GreenYellow { get; private set; } /// /// Honeydew color (R:240,G:255,B:240,A:255). /// public static Color Honeydew { get; private set; } /// /// HotPink color (R:255,G:105,B:180,A:255). /// public static Color HotPink { get; private set; } /// /// IndianRed color (R:205,G:92,B:92,A:255). /// public static Color IndianRed { get; private set; } /// /// Indigo color (R:75,G:0,B:130,A:255). /// public static Color Indigo { get; private set; } /// /// Ivory color (R:255,G:255,B:240,A:255). /// public static Color Ivory { get; private set; } /// /// Khaki color (R:240,G:230,B:140,A:255). /// public static Color Khaki { get; private set; } /// /// Lavender color (R:230,G:230,B:250,A:255). /// public static Color Lavender { get; private set; } /// /// LavenderBlush color (R:255,G:240,B:245,A:255). /// public static Color LavenderBlush { get; private set; } /// /// LawnGreen color (R:124,G:252,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color LawnGreen { get; private set; } /// /// LemonChiffon color (R:255,G:250,B:205,A:255). /// public static Color LemonChiffon { get; private set; } /// /// LightBlue color (R:173,G:216,B:230,A:255). /// public static Color LightBlue { get; private set; } /// /// LightCoral color (R:240,G:128,B:128,A:255). /// public static Color LightCoral { get; private set; } /// /// LightCyan color (R:224,G:255,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color LightCyan { get; private set; } /// /// LightGoldenrodYellow color (R:250,G:250,B:210,A:255). /// public static Color LightGoldenrodYellow { get; private set; } /// /// LightGray color (R:211,G:211,B:211,A:255). /// public static Color LightGray { get; private set; } /// /// LightGreen color (R:144,G:238,B:144,A:255). /// public static Color LightGreen { get; private set; } /// /// LightPink color (R:255,G:182,B:193,A:255). /// public static Color LightPink { get; private set; } /// /// LightSalmon color (R:255,G:160,B:122,A:255). /// public static Color LightSalmon { get; private set; } /// /// LightSeaGreen color (R:32,G:178,B:170,A:255). /// public static Color LightSeaGreen { get; private set; } /// /// LightSkyBlue color (R:135,G:206,B:250,A:255). /// public static Color LightSkyBlue { get; private set; } /// /// LightSlateGray color (R:119,G:136,B:153,A:255). /// public static Color LightSlateGray { get; private set; } /// /// LightSteelBlue color (R:176,G:196,B:222,A:255). /// public static Color LightSteelBlue { get; private set; } /// /// LightYellow color (R:255,G:255,B:224,A:255). /// public static Color LightYellow { get; private set; } /// /// Lime color (R:0,G:255,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Lime { get; private set; } /// /// LimeGreen color (R:50,G:205,B:50,A:255). /// public static Color LimeGreen { get; private set; } /// /// Linen color (R:250,G:240,B:230,A:255). /// public static Color Linen { get; private set; } /// /// Magenta color (R:255,G:0,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color Magenta { get; private set; } /// /// Maroon color (R:128,G:0,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Maroon { get; private set; } /// /// MediumAquamarine color (R:102,G:205,B:170,A:255). /// public static Color MediumAquamarine { get; private set; } /// /// MediumBlue color (R:0,G:0,B:205,A:255). /// public static Color MediumBlue { get; private set; } /// /// MediumOrchid color (R:186,G:85,B:211,A:255). /// public static Color MediumOrchid { get; private set; } /// /// MediumPurple color (R:147,G:112,B:219,A:255). /// public static Color MediumPurple { get; private set; } /// /// MediumSeaGreen color (R:60,G:179,B:113,A:255). /// public static Color MediumSeaGreen { get; private set; } /// /// MediumSlateBlue color (R:123,G:104,B:238,A:255). /// public static Color MediumSlateBlue { get; private set; } /// /// MediumSpringGreen color (R:0,G:250,B:154,A:255). /// public static Color MediumSpringGreen { get; private set; } /// /// MediumTurquoise color (R:72,G:209,B:204,A:255). /// public static Color MediumTurquoise { get; private set; } /// /// MediumVioletRed color (R:199,G:21,B:133,A:255). /// public static Color MediumVioletRed { get; private set; } /// /// MidnightBlue color (R:25,G:25,B:112,A:255). /// public static Color MidnightBlue { get; private set; } /// /// MintCream color (R:245,G:255,B:250,A:255). /// public static Color MintCream { get; private set; } /// /// MistyRose color (R:255,G:228,B:225,A:255). /// public static Color MistyRose { get; private set; } /// /// Moccasin color (R:255,G:228,B:181,A:255). /// public static Color Moccasin { get; private set; } /// /// NavajoWhite color (R:255,G:222,B:173,A:255). /// public static Color NavajoWhite { get; private set; } /// /// Navy color (R:0,G:0,B:128,A:255). /// public static Color Navy { get; private set; } /// /// OldLace color (R:253,G:245,B:230,A:255). /// public static Color OldLace { get; private set; } /// /// Olive color (R:128,G:128,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Olive { get; private set; } /// /// OliveDrab color (R:107,G:142,B:35,A:255). /// public static Color OliveDrab { get; private set; } /// /// Orange color (R:255,G:165,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Orange { get; private set; } /// /// OrangeRed color (R:255,G:69,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color OrangeRed { get; private set; } /// /// Orchid color (R:218,G:112,B:214,A:255). /// public static Color Orchid { get; private set; } /// /// PaleGoldenrod color (R:238,G:232,B:170,A:255). /// public static Color PaleGoldenrod { get; private set; } /// /// PaleGreen color (R:152,G:251,B:152,A:255). /// public static Color PaleGreen { get; private set; } /// /// PaleTurquoise color (R:175,G:238,B:238,A:255). /// public static Color PaleTurquoise { get; private set; } /// /// PaleVioletRed color (R:219,G:112,B:147,A:255). /// public static Color PaleVioletRed { get; private set; } /// /// PapayaWhip color (R:255,G:239,B:213,A:255). /// public static Color PapayaWhip { get; private set; } /// /// PeachPuff color (R:255,G:218,B:185,A:255). /// public static Color PeachPuff { get; private set; } /// /// Peru color (R:205,G:133,B:63,A:255). /// public static Color Peru { get; private set; } /// /// Pink color (R:255,G:192,B:203,A:255). /// public static Color Pink { get; private set; } /// /// Plum color (R:221,G:160,B:221,A:255). /// public static Color Plum { get; private set; } /// /// PowderBlue color (R:176,G:224,B:230,A:255). /// public static Color PowderBlue { get; private set; } /// /// Purple color (R:128,G:0,B:128,A:255). /// public static Color Purple { get; private set; } /// /// Red color (R:255,G:0,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Red { get; private set; } /// /// RosyBrown color (R:188,G:143,B:143,A:255). /// public static Color RosyBrown { get; private set; } /// /// RoyalBlue color (R:65,G:105,B:225,A:255). /// public static Color RoyalBlue { get; private set; } /// /// SaddleBrown color (R:139,G:69,B:19,A:255). /// public static Color SaddleBrown { get; private set; } /// /// Salmon color (R:250,G:128,B:114,A:255). /// public static Color Salmon { get; private set; } /// /// SandyBrown color (R:244,G:164,B:96,A:255). /// public static Color SandyBrown { get; private set; } /// /// SeaGreen color (R:46,G:139,B:87,A:255). /// public static Color SeaGreen { get; private set; } /// /// SeaShell color (R:255,G:245,B:238,A:255). /// public static Color SeaShell { get; private set; } /// /// Sienna color (R:160,G:82,B:45,A:255). /// public static Color Sienna { get; private set; } /// /// Silver color (R:192,G:192,B:192,A:255). /// public static Color Silver { get; private set; } /// /// SkyBlue color (R:135,G:206,B:235,A:255). /// public static Color SkyBlue { get; private set; } /// /// SlateBlue color (R:106,G:90,B:205,A:255). /// public static Color SlateBlue { get; private set; } /// /// SlateGray color (R:112,G:128,B:144,A:255). /// public static Color SlateGray { get; private set; } /// /// Snow color (R:255,G:250,B:250,A:255). /// public static Color Snow { get; private set; } /// /// SpringGreen color (R:0,G:255,B:127,A:255). /// public static Color SpringGreen { get; private set; } /// /// SteelBlue color (R:70,G:130,B:180,A:255). /// public static Color SteelBlue { get; private set; } /// /// Tan color (R:210,G:180,B:140,A:255). /// public static Color Tan { get; private set; } /// /// Teal color (R:0,G:128,B:128,A:255). /// public static Color Teal { get; private set; } /// /// Thistle color (R:216,G:191,B:216,A:255). /// public static Color Thistle { get; private set; } /// /// Tomato color (R:255,G:99,B:71,A:255). /// public static Color Tomato { get; private set; } /// /// Turquoise color (R:64,G:224,B:208,A:255). /// public static Color Turquoise { get; private set; } /// /// Violet color (R:238,G:130,B:238,A:255). /// public static Color Violet { get; private set; } /// /// Wheat color (R:245,G:222,B:179,A:255). /// public static Color Wheat { get; private set; } /// /// White color (R:255,G:255,B:255,A:255). /// public static Color White { get; private set; } /// /// WhiteSmoke color (R:245,G:245,B:245,A:255). /// public static Color WhiteSmoke { get; private set; } /// /// Yellow color (R:255,G:255,B:0,A:255). /// public static Color Yellow { get; private set; } /// /// YellowGreen color (R:154,G:205,B:50,A:255). /// public static Color YellowGreen { get; private set; } #endregion #region Internal Properties internal string DebugDisplayString { get { return string.Concat( R.ToString(), " ", G.ToString(), " ", B.ToString(), " ", A.ToString() ); } } #endregion #region Private Variables // ARGB. Keep this name as it is used by XNA games in reflection! private uint packedValue; #endregion #region Private Static Constructors static Color() { Transparent = new Color(0); AliceBlue = new Color(0xfffff8f0); AntiqueWhite = new Color(0xffd7ebfa); Aqua = new Color(0xffffff00); Aquamarine = new Color(0xffd4ff7f); Azure = new Color(0xfffffff0); Beige = new Color(0xffdcf5f5); Bisque = new Color(0xffc4e4ff); Black = new Color(0xff000000); BlanchedAlmond = new Color(0xffcdebff); Blue = new Color(0xffff0000); BlueViolet = new Color(0xffe22b8a); Brown = new Color(0xff2a2aa5); BurlyWood = new Color(0xff87b8de); CadetBlue = new Color(0xffa09e5f); Chartreuse = new Color(0xff00ff7f); Chocolate = new Color(0xff1e69d2); Coral = new Color(0xff507fff); CornflowerBlue = new Color(0xffed9564); Cornsilk = new Color(0xffdcf8ff); Crimson = new Color(0xff3c14dc); Cyan = new Color(0xffffff00); DarkBlue = new Color(0xff8b0000); DarkCyan = new Color(0xff8b8b00); DarkGoldenrod = new Color(0xff0b86b8); DarkGray = new Color(0xffa9a9a9); DarkGreen = new Color(0xff006400); DarkKhaki = new Color(0xff6bb7bd); DarkMagenta = new Color(0xff8b008b); DarkOliveGreen = new Color(0xff2f6b55); DarkOrange = new Color(0xff008cff); DarkOrchid = new Color(0xffcc3299); DarkRed = new Color(0xff00008b); DarkSalmon = new Color(0xff7a96e9); DarkSeaGreen = new Color(0xff8bbc8f); DarkSlateBlue = new Color(0xff8b3d48); DarkSlateGray = new Color(0xff4f4f2f); DarkTurquoise = new Color(0xffd1ce00); DarkViolet = new Color(0xffd30094); DeepPink = new Color(0xff9314ff); DeepSkyBlue = new Color(0xffffbf00); DimGray = new Color(0xff696969); DodgerBlue = new Color(0xffff901e); Firebrick = new Color(0xff2222b2); FloralWhite = new Color(0xfff0faff); ForestGreen = new Color(0xff228b22); Fuchsia = new Color(0xffff00ff); Gainsboro = new Color(0xffdcdcdc); GhostWhite = new Color(0xfffff8f8); Gold = new Color(0xff00d7ff); Goldenrod = new Color(0xff20a5da); Gray = new Color(0xff808080); Green = new Color(0xff008000); GreenYellow = new Color(0xff2fffad); Honeydew = new Color(0xfff0fff0); HotPink = new Color(0xffb469ff); IndianRed = new Color(0xff5c5ccd); Indigo = new Color(0xff82004b); Ivory = new Color(0xfff0ffff); Khaki = new Color(0xff8ce6f0); Lavender = new Color(0xfffae6e6); LavenderBlush = new Color(0xfff5f0ff); LawnGreen = new Color(0xff00fc7c); LemonChiffon = new Color(0xffcdfaff); LightBlue = new Color(0xffe6d8ad); LightCoral = new Color(0xff8080f0); LightCyan = new Color(0xffffffe0); LightGoldenrodYellow = new Color(0xffd2fafa); LightGray = new Color(0xffd3d3d3); LightGreen = new Color(0xff90ee90); LightPink = new Color(0xffc1b6ff); LightSalmon = new Color(0xff7aa0ff); LightSeaGreen = new Color(0xffaab220); LightSkyBlue = new Color(0xffface87); LightSlateGray = new Color(0xff998877); LightSteelBlue = new Color(0xffdec4b0); LightYellow = new Color(0xffe0ffff); Lime = new Color(0xff00ff00); LimeGreen = new Color(0xff32cd32); Linen = new Color(0xffe6f0fa); Magenta = new Color(0xffff00ff); Maroon = new Color(0xff000080); MediumAquamarine = new Color(0xffaacd66); MediumBlue = new Color(0xffcd0000); MediumOrchid = new Color(0xffd355ba); MediumPurple = new Color(0xffdb7093); MediumSeaGreen = new Color(0xff71b33c); MediumSlateBlue = new Color(0xffee687b); MediumSpringGreen = new Color(0xff9afa00); MediumTurquoise = new Color(0xffccd148); MediumVioletRed = new Color(0xff8515c7); MidnightBlue = new Color(0xff701919); MintCream = new Color(0xfffafff5); MistyRose = new Color(0xffe1e4ff); Moccasin = new Color(0xffb5e4ff); NavajoWhite = new Color(0xffaddeff); Navy = new Color(0xff800000); OldLace = new Color(0xffe6f5fd); Olive = new Color(0xff008080); OliveDrab = new Color(0xff238e6b); Orange = new Color(0xff00a5ff); OrangeRed = new Color(0xff0045ff); Orchid = new Color(0xffd670da); PaleGoldenrod = new Color(0xffaae8ee); PaleGreen = new Color(0xff98fb98); PaleTurquoise = new Color(0xffeeeeaf); PaleVioletRed = new Color(0xff9370db); PapayaWhip = new Color(0xffd5efff); PeachPuff = new Color(0xffb9daff); Peru = new Color(0xff3f85cd); Pink = new Color(0xffcbc0ff); Plum = new Color(0xffdda0dd); PowderBlue = new Color(0xffe6e0b0); Purple = new Color(0xff800080); Red = new Color(0xff0000ff); RosyBrown = new Color(0xff8f8fbc); RoyalBlue = new Color(0xffe16941); SaddleBrown = new Color(0xff13458b); Salmon = new Color(0xff7280fa); SandyBrown = new Color(0xff60a4f4); SeaGreen = new Color(0xff578b2e); SeaShell = new Color(0xffeef5ff); Sienna = new Color(0xff2d52a0); Silver = new Color(0xffc0c0c0); SkyBlue = new Color(0xffebce87); SlateBlue = new Color(0xffcd5a6a); SlateGray = new Color(0xff908070); Snow = new Color(0xfffafaff); SpringGreen = new Color(0xff7fff00); SteelBlue = new Color(0xffb48246); Tan = new Color(0xff8cb4d2); Teal = new Color(0xff808000); Thistle = new Color(0xffd8bfd8); Tomato = new Color(0xff4763ff); Turquoise = new Color(0xffd0e040); Violet = new Color(0xffee82ee); Wheat = new Color(0xffb3def5); White = new Color(uint.MaxValue); WhiteSmoke = new Color(0xfff5f5f5); Yellow = new Color(0xff00ffff); YellowGreen = new Color(0xff32cd9a); } #endregion #region Public Constructors /// /// Creates a new instance of struct. /// /// A representing a color. public Color(Vector4 color) { packedValue = 0; R = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.X * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); G = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.Y * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); B = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.Z * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); A = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.W * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); } /// /// Constructs an RGBA color from the XYZW unit length components of a vector. /// /// A representing a color. public Color(Vector3 color) { packedValue = 0; R = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.X * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); G = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.Y * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); B = (byte) Math.Clamp(color.Z * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); A = 255; } /// /// Constructs an RGBA color from scalars which representing red, green and blue values. Alpha value will be opaque. /// /// Red component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. /// Green component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. /// Blue component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. public Color(float r, float g, float b) { packedValue = 0; R = (byte) Math.Clamp(r * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); G = (byte) Math.Clamp(g * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); B = (byte) Math.Clamp(b * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); A = 255; } /// /// Constructs an RGBA color from scalars which representing red, green and blue values. Alpha value will be opaque. /// /// Red component value from 0 to 255. /// Green component value from 0 to 255. /// Blue component value from 0 to 255. public Color(int r, int g, int b) { packedValue = 0; R = (byte) Math.Clamp(r, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); G = (byte) Math.Clamp(g, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); B = (byte) Math.Clamp(b, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); A = (byte) 255; } /// /// Constructs an RGBA color from scalars which representing red, green, blue and alpha values. /// /// Red component value from 0 to 255. /// Green component value from 0 to 255. /// Blue component value from 0 to 255. /// Alpha component value from 0 to 255. public Color(int r, int g, int b, int alpha) { packedValue = 0; R = (byte) Math.Clamp(r, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); G = (byte) Math.Clamp(g, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); B = (byte) Math.Clamp(b, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); A = (byte) Math.Clamp(alpha, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); } /// /// Constructs an RGBA color from scalars which representing red, green, blue and alpha values. /// /// Red component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. /// Green component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. /// Blue component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. /// Alpha component value from 0.0f to 1.0f. public Color(float r, float g, float b, float alpha) { packedValue = 0; R = (byte) Math.Clamp(r * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); G = (byte) Math.Clamp(g * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); B = (byte) Math.Clamp(b * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); A = (byte) Math.Clamp(alpha * 255, Byte.MinValue, Byte.MaxValue); } #endregion #region Private Constructors private Color(uint packedValue) { this.packedValue = packedValue; } #endregion #region Public Methods /// /// Compares whether current instance is equal to specified . /// /// The to compare. /// true if the instances are equal; false otherwise. public bool Equals(Color other) { return this.PackedValue == other.PackedValue; } /// /// Gets a representation for this object. /// /// A representation for this object. public Vector3 ToVector3() { return new Vector3(R / 255.0f, G / 255.0f, B / 255.0f); } /// /// Gets a representation for this object. /// /// A representation for this object. public Vector4 ToVector4() { return new Vector4(R / 255.0f, G / 255.0f, B / 255.0f, A / 255.0f); } #endregion #region Public Static Methods /// /// Performs linear interpolation of . /// /// Source . /// Destination . /// Interpolation factor. /// Interpolated . public static Color Lerp(Color value1, Color value2, float amount) { amount = Math.Clamp(amount, 0.0f, 1.0f); return new Color( (int) float.Lerp(value1.R, value2.R, amount), (int) float.Lerp(value1.G, value2.G, amount), (int) float.Lerp(value1.B, value2.B, amount), (int) float.Lerp(value1.A, value2.A, amount) ); } /// /// Translate a non-premultipled alpha to a /// that contains premultiplied alpha. /// /// A representing color. /// A which contains premultiplied alpha data. public static Color FromNonPremultiplied(Vector4 vector) { return new Color( vector.X * vector.W, vector.Y * vector.W, vector.Z * vector.W, vector.W ); } /// /// Translate a non-premultipled alpha to a /// that contains premultiplied alpha. /// /// Red component value. /// Green component value. /// Blue component value. /// Alpha component value. /// A which contains premultiplied alpha data. public static Color FromNonPremultiplied(int r, int g, int b, int a) { return new Color( (r * a / 255), (g * a / 255), (b * a / 255), a ); } // Modified from one of the responses here: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3018313/algorithm-to-convert-rgb-to-hsv-and-hsv-to-rgb-in-range-0-255-for-both/6930407#6930407 public static Color FromHSV(float r, float g, float b) { r = (100 + r) % 1f; float hueSlice = 6 * r; // [0, 6) float hueSliceInteger = MathF.Floor(hueSlice); // In [0,1) for each hue slice float hueSliceInterpolant = hueSlice - hueSliceInteger; Vector3 tempRGB = new Vector3( b * (1f - g), b * (1f - g * hueSliceInterpolant), b * (1f - g * (1f - hueSliceInterpolant)) ); // The idea here to avoid conditions is to notice that the conversion code can be rewritten: // if ( var_i == 0 ) { R = V ; G = TempRGB.z ; B = TempRGB.x } // else if ( var_i == 2 ) { R = TempRGB.x ; G = V ; B = TempRGB.z } // else if ( var_i == 4 ) { R = TempRGB.z ; G = TempRGB.x ; B = V } // // else if ( var_i == 1 ) { R = TempRGB.y ; G = V ; B = TempRGB.x } // else if ( var_i == 3 ) { R = TempRGB.x ; G = TempRGB.y ; B = V } // else if ( var_i == 5 ) { R = V ; G = TempRGB.x ; B = TempRGB.y } // // This shows several things: // . A separation between even and odd slices // . If slices (0,2,4) and (1,3,5) can be rewritten as basically being slices (0,1,2) then // the operation simply amounts to performing a "rotate right" on the RGB components // . The base value to rotate is either (V, B, R) for even slices or (G, V, R) for odd slices // float isOddSlice = hueSliceInteger % 2f; // 0 if even (slices 0, 2, 4), 1 if odd (slices 1, 3, 5) float threeSliceSelector = 0.5f * (hueSliceInteger - isOddSlice); // (0, 1, 2) corresponding to slices (0, 2, 4) and (1, 3, 5) Vector3 scrollingRGBForEvenSlices = new Vector3(b, tempRGB.Z, tempRGB.X); // (V, Temp Blue, Temp Red) for even slices (0, 2, 4) Vector3 scrollingRGBForOddSlices = new Vector3(tempRGB.Y, b, tempRGB.X); // (Temp Green, V, Temp Red) for odd slices (1, 3, 5) Vector3 scrollingRGB = Vector3.Lerp(scrollingRGBForEvenSlices, scrollingRGBForOddSlices, isOddSlice); float IsNotFirstSlice = Math.Clamp(threeSliceSelector, 0f, 1f); // 1 if NOT the first slice (true for slices 1 and 2) float IsNotSecondSlice = Math.Clamp(threeSliceSelector - 1f, 0f, 1f); // 1 if NOT the first or second slice (true only for slice 2) Vector3 color = Vector3.Lerp( scrollingRGB, Vector3.Lerp( new Vector3(scrollingRGB.Z, scrollingRGB.X, scrollingRGB.Y), new Vector3(scrollingRGB.Y, scrollingRGB.Z, scrollingRGB.X), IsNotSecondSlice ), IsNotFirstSlice ); return new Color(color); } public static Color FromHSV(int r, int g, int b) { return Color.FromHSV(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f); } #endregion #region Public Static Operators and Override Methods /// /// Compares whether two instances are equal. /// /// instance on the left of the equal sign. /// instance on the right of the equal sign. /// True if the instances are equal; false otherwise. public static bool operator ==(Color a, Color b) { return (a.A == b.A && a.R == b.R && a.G == b.G && a.B == b.B); } /// /// Compares whether two instances are not equal. /// /// /// instance on the left of the not equal sign. /// /// /// instance on the right of the not equal sign. /// /// /// True if the instances are not equal; false otherwise. /// public static bool operator !=(Color a, Color b) { return !(a == b); } /// /// Gets the hash code of this . /// /// Hash code of this . public override int GetHashCode() { return this.packedValue.GetHashCode(); } /// /// Compares whether current instance is equal to specified object. /// /// The to compare. /// True if the instances are equal; false otherwise. public override bool Equals(object obj) { return ((obj is Color) && this.Equals((Color) obj)); } /// /// Multiply by value. /// /// Source . /// Multiplicator. /// Multiplication result. public static Color Multiply(Color value, float scale) { return new Color( (int) (value.R * scale), (int) (value.G * scale), (int) (value.B * scale), (int) (value.A * scale) ); } /// /// Multiply by value. /// /// Source . /// Multiplicator. /// Multiplication result. public static Color operator *(Color value, float scale) { return new Color( (int) (value.R * scale), (int) (value.G * scale), (int) (value.B * scale), (int) (value.A * scale) ); } /// /// Returns a representation of this in the format: /// {R:[red] G:[green] B:[blue] A:[alpha]} /// /// representation of this . public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(25); sb.Append("{R:"); sb.Append(R); sb.Append(" G:"); sb.Append(G); sb.Append(" B:"); sb.Append(B); sb.Append(" A:"); sb.Append(A); sb.Append("}"); return sb.ToString(); } #endregion #region IPackedVector Member /// /// Pack a four-component color from a vector format into the format of a color object. /// /// A four-component color. void IPackedVector.PackFromVector4(Vector4 vector) { // Should we round here? R = (byte) (vector.X * 255.0f); G = (byte) (vector.Y * 255.0f); B = (byte) (vector.Z * 255.0f); A = (byte) (vector.W * 255.0f); } #endregion }