namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Audio; public enum FormatTag : ushort { Unknown = 0, PCM = 1, MSADPCM = 2, IEEE_FLOAT = 3 } /// /// Describes the format of audio data. Usually specified in an audio file's header information. /// public record struct Format { public FormatTag Tag; public ushort Channels; public uint SampleRate; public ushort BitsPerSample; internal FAudio.FAudioWaveFormatEx ToFAudioFormat() { ushort blockAlign = (ushort) ((BitsPerSample / 8) * Channels); return new FAudio.FAudioWaveFormatEx { wFormatTag = (ushort) Tag, nChannels = Channels, nSamplesPerSec = SampleRate, wBitsPerSample = BitsPerSample, nBlockAlign = blockAlign, nAvgBytesPerSec = blockAlign * SampleRate }; } }