using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Audio; /// /// AudioDevice manages all audio-related concerns. /// public class AudioDevice : IDisposable { public IntPtr Handle { get; } public byte[] Handle3D { get; } public FAudio.FAudioDeviceDetails DeviceDetails { get; } private IntPtr trueMasteringVoice; // this is a fun little trick where we use a submix voice as a "faux" mastering voice // this lets us maintain API consistency for effects like panning and reverb private SubmixVoice fauxMasteringVoice; public SubmixVoice MasteringVoice => fauxMasteringVoice; public float CurveDistanceScalar = 1f; public float DopplerScale = 1f; public float SpeedOfSound = 343.5f; private readonly HashSet resourceHandles = new HashSet(); private readonly HashSet updatingSourceVoices = new HashSet(); private SourceVoicePool VoicePool; private List VoicesToReturn = new List(); private const int Step = 200; private TimeSpan UpdateInterval; private System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch TickStopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); private long previousTickTime; private Thread Thread; private AutoResetEvent WakeSignal; internal readonly object StateLock = new object(); private bool Running; public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; } internal unsafe AudioDevice() { UpdateInterval = TimeSpan.FromTicks(TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / Step); FAudio.FAudioCreate(out IntPtr handle, 0, FAudio.FAUDIO_DEFAULT_PROCESSOR); Handle = handle; /* Find a suitable device */ FAudio.FAudio_GetDeviceCount(Handle, out uint devices); if (devices == 0) { Log.Error("No audio devices found!"); FAudio.FAudio_Release(Handle); Handle = IntPtr.Zero; return; } FAudio.FAudioDeviceDetails deviceDetails; uint i = 0; for (i = 0; i < devices; i++) { FAudio.FAudio_GetDeviceDetails( Handle, i, out deviceDetails ); if ((deviceDetails.Role & FAudio.FAudioDeviceRole.FAudioDefaultGameDevice) == FAudio.FAudioDeviceRole.FAudioDefaultGameDevice) { DeviceDetails = deviceDetails; break; } } if (i == devices) { i = 0; /* whatever we'll just use the first one I guess */ FAudio.FAudio_GetDeviceDetails( Handle, i, out deviceDetails ); DeviceDetails = deviceDetails; } /* Init Mastering Voice */ uint result = FAudio.FAudio_CreateMasteringVoice( Handle, out trueMasteringVoice, FAudio.FAUDIO_DEFAULT_CHANNELS, FAudio.FAUDIO_DEFAULT_SAMPLERATE, 0, i, IntPtr.Zero ); if (result != 0) { Log.Error("Failed to create a mastering voice!"); Log.Error("Audio device creation failed!"); return; } fauxMasteringVoice = SubmixVoice.CreateFauxMasteringVoice(this); /* Init 3D Audio */ Handle3D = new byte[FAudio.F3DAUDIO_HANDLE_BYTESIZE]; FAudio.F3DAudioInitialize( DeviceDetails.OutputFormat.dwChannelMask, SpeedOfSound, Handle3D ); VoicePool = new SourceVoicePool(this); WakeSignal = new AutoResetEvent(true); Thread = new Thread(ThreadMain); Thread.IsBackground = true; Thread.Start(); Running = true; TickStopwatch.Start(); previousTickTime = 0; } private void ThreadMain() { while (Running) { lock (StateLock) { try { ThreadMainTick(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e.ToString()); } } WakeSignal.WaitOne(UpdateInterval); } } private void ThreadMainTick() { previousTickTime = TickStopwatch.Elapsed.Ticks; foreach (UpdatingSourceVoice voice in updatingSourceVoices) { voice.Update(); } foreach (SourceVoice voice in VoicesToReturn) { if (voice is UpdatingSourceVoice updatingSourceVoice) { updatingSourceVoices.Remove(updatingSourceVoice); } voice.Reset(); VoicePool.Return(voice); } VoicesToReturn.Clear(); } /// /// Triggers all pending operations with the given syncGroup value. /// public void TriggerSyncGroup(uint syncGroup) { FAudio.FAudio_CommitChanges(Handle, syncGroup); } /// /// Obtains an appropriate source voice from the voice pool. /// /// The format that the voice must match. /// A source voice with the given format. public T Obtain(Format format) where T : SourceVoice, IPoolable { lock (StateLock) { T voice = VoicePool.Obtain(format); if (voice is UpdatingSourceVoice updatingSourceVoice) { updatingSourceVoices.Add(updatingSourceVoice); } return voice; } } /// /// Returns the source voice to the voice pool. /// /// internal void Return(SourceVoice voice) { lock (StateLock) { VoicesToReturn.Add(voice); } } internal void WakeThread() { WakeSignal.Set(); } internal void AddResourceReference(GCHandle resourceReference) { lock (StateLock) { resourceHandles.Add(resourceReference); if (resourceReference.Target is UpdatingSourceVoice updatableVoice) { updatingSourceVoices.Add(updatableVoice); } } } internal void RemoveResourceReference(GCHandle resourceReference) { lock (StateLock) { resourceHandles.Remove(resourceReference); if (resourceReference.Target is UpdatingSourceVoice updatableVoice) { updatingSourceVoices.Remove(updatableVoice); } } } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!IsDisposed) { Running = false; if (disposing) { Thread.Join(); // dispose all source voices first foreach (GCHandle handle in resourceHandles) { if (handle.Target is SourceVoice voice) { voice.Dispose(); } } // dispose all submix voices except the faux mastering voice foreach (GCHandle handle in resourceHandles) { if (handle.Target is SubmixVoice voice && voice != fauxMasteringVoice) { voice.Dispose(); } } // dispose the faux mastering voice fauxMasteringVoice.Dispose(); // dispose the true mastering voice FAudio.FAudioVoice_DestroyVoice(trueMasteringVoice); // destroy all other audio resources foreach (GCHandle handle in resourceHandles) { if (handle.Target is AudioResource resource) { resource.Dispose(); } } resourceHandles.Clear(); } FAudio.FAudio_Release(Handle); IsDisposed = true; } } ~AudioDevice() { // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in 'Dispose(bool disposing)' method Dispose(disposing: false); } public void Dispose() { // Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in 'Dispose(bool disposing)' method Dispose(disposing: true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } }