using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Nerfed.Runtime.Audio; /// /// Streamable audio in Ogg format. /// public class AudioDataOgg : AudioDataStreamable { private IntPtr FileDataPtr = IntPtr.Zero; private IntPtr VorbisHandle = IntPtr.Zero; private string FilePath; public override bool Loaded => VorbisHandle != IntPtr.Zero; public override uint DecodeBufferSize => 32768; public AudioDataOgg(AudioDevice device, string filePath) : base(device) { FilePath = filePath; IntPtr handle = FAudio.stb_vorbis_open_filename(filePath, out int error, IntPtr.Zero); if (error != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Error loading file!"); } FAudio.stb_vorbis_info info = FAudio.stb_vorbis_get_info(handle); Format = new Format { Tag = FormatTag.IEEE_FLOAT, BitsPerSample = 32, Channels = (ushort) info.channels, SampleRate = info.sample_rate }; FAudio.stb_vorbis_close(handle); } public override unsafe void Decode(void* buffer, int bufferLengthInBytes, out int filledLengthInBytes, out bool reachedEnd) { int lengthInFloats = bufferLengthInBytes / sizeof(float); /* NOTE: this function returns samples per channel, not total samples */ int samples = FAudio.stb_vorbis_get_samples_float_interleaved( VorbisHandle, Format.Channels, (IntPtr) buffer, lengthInFloats ); int sampleCount = samples * Format.Channels; reachedEnd = sampleCount < lengthInFloats; filledLengthInBytes = sampleCount * sizeof(float); } /// /// Prepares the Ogg data for streaming. /// public override unsafe void Load() { if (!Loaded) { FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); FileDataPtr = (nint) NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) fileStream.Length); Span fileDataSpan = new Span((void*) FileDataPtr, (int) fileStream.Length); fileStream.ReadExactly(fileDataSpan); fileStream.Close(); VorbisHandle = FAudio.stb_vorbis_open_memory(FileDataPtr, fileDataSpan.Length, out int error, IntPtr.Zero); if (error != 0) { NativeMemory.Free((void*) FileDataPtr); Log.Error("Error opening OGG file!"); Log.Error("Error: " + error); throw new InvalidOperationException("Error opening OGG file!"); } } } public override void Seek(uint sampleFrame) { FAudio.stb_vorbis_seek(VorbisHandle, sampleFrame); } /// /// Unloads the Ogg data, freeing resources. /// public override unsafe void Unload() { if (Loaded) { FAudio.stb_vorbis_close(VorbisHandle); NativeMemory.Free((void*) FileDataPtr); VorbisHandle = IntPtr.Zero; FileDataPtr = IntPtr.Zero; } } /// /// Loads an entire ogg file into an AudioBuffer. Useful for static audio. /// public static unsafe AudioBuffer CreateBuffer(AudioDevice device, string filePath) { IntPtr filePointer = FAudio.stb_vorbis_open_filename(filePath, out int error, IntPtr.Zero); if (error != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Error loading file!"); } FAudio.stb_vorbis_info info = FAudio.stb_vorbis_get_info(filePointer); long lengthInFloats = FAudio.stb_vorbis_stream_length_in_samples(filePointer) * info.channels; long lengthInBytes = lengthInFloats * Marshal.SizeOf(); void* buffer = NativeMemory.Alloc((nuint) lengthInBytes); FAudio.stb_vorbis_get_samples_float_interleaved( filePointer, info.channels, (nint) buffer, (int) lengthInFloats ); FAudio.stb_vorbis_close(filePointer); Format format = new Format { Tag = FormatTag.IEEE_FLOAT, BitsPerSample = 32, Channels = (ushort) info.channels, SampleRate = info.sample_rate }; return new AudioBuffer( device, format, (nint) buffer, (uint) lengthInBytes, true); } }