using System; using System.Numerics; namespace ImGuiNET { public delegate void Platform_CreateWindow(ImGuiViewportPtr vp); // Create a new platform window for the given viewport public delegate void Platform_DestroyWindow(ImGuiViewportPtr vp); public delegate void Platform_ShowWindow(ImGuiViewportPtr vp); // Newly created windows are initially hidden so SetWindowPos/Size/Title can be called on them first public delegate void Platform_SetWindowPos(ImGuiViewportPtr vp, Vector2 pos); public unsafe delegate void Platform_GetWindowPos(ImGuiViewportPtr vp, Vector2* outPos); public delegate void Platform_SetWindowSize(ImGuiViewportPtr vp, Vector2 size); public unsafe delegate void Platform_GetWindowSize(ImGuiViewportPtr vp, Vector2* outSize); public delegate void Platform_SetWindowFocus(ImGuiViewportPtr vp); // Move window to front and set input focus public delegate byte Platform_GetWindowFocus(ImGuiViewportPtr vp); public delegate byte Platform_GetWindowMinimized(ImGuiViewportPtr vp); public delegate void Platform_SetWindowTitle(ImGuiViewportPtr vp, IntPtr title); }