using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using MA_Editor; namespace MA_TextureAtlasserPro { [System.Serializable] public class MA_TextureAtlasserProQuad : ScriptableObject { //Editor public bool isSelected = false; //Is this thing selected public Rect rect; //The internal rect public Rect guiRect; //The visual clamped and snapped rect public bool debugMode = false; //Are we debugging, for showing some other things (like handles) private bool isDragging = false; //Are we editing the pos or size private bool isDraggingRectHeigt = false; public Rect dragRectHeight; private bool isDraggingRectWidth = false; public Rect dragRectWidth; private bool isDraggingRectPos = false; public Rect dragRectPos; //Data public Texture texture; //Replace this with texture groups public List textureGroups; public List meshes; public void UpdateTextureQuad(Event e, Rect editorViewRect, Rect editorWorkRect, Vector2 zoomCoordsOrigin, bool useEvents, bool showTexture) { if(isSelected) { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.75f); } else { GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f); } //Clamp and snap the guiRect guiRect = new Rect(Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.x / 32) * 32, Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.y / 32) * 32, Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.width / 32) * 32, Mathf.RoundToInt(rect.height / 32) * 32); //Draw the sqaud background if(showTexture && textureGroups != null && textureGroups.Count > 0 && textureGroups[0].texture != null) GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(guiRect.x - zoomCoordsOrigin.x, guiRect.y - zoomCoordsOrigin.y, guiRect.width, guiRect.height), textureGroups[0].texture, ScaleMode.StretchToFill); else GUI.Box(new Rect(guiRect.x - zoomCoordsOrigin.x, guiRect.y - zoomCoordsOrigin.y, guiRect.width, guiRect.height), ""); GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(guiRect.x - zoomCoordsOrigin.x, guiRect.y - zoomCoordsOrigin.y, guiRect.width, guiRect.height)); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if(isSelected) { dragRectPos = new Rect(guiRect.width / 2 + guiRect.x - zoomCoordsOrigin.x - 16, guiRect.height / 2 + guiRect.y - zoomCoordsOrigin.y - 16, 32, 32); dragRectWidth = new Rect(guiRect.width + guiRect.x - zoomCoordsOrigin.x - 16, guiRect.height / 2 + guiRect.y - zoomCoordsOrigin.y - 32, 16, 64); dragRectHeight = new Rect(guiRect.width / 2 + guiRect.x - zoomCoordsOrigin.x - 32, guiRect.height + guiRect.y - zoomCoordsOrigin.y - 16, 64, 16); if(debugMode) { GUI.Box(new Rect(dragRectPos.x - guiRect.x + zoomCoordsOrigin.x, dragRectPos.y - guiRect.y + zoomCoordsOrigin.y, dragRectPos.width, dragRectPos.height), ""); GUI.Box(new Rect(dragRectWidth.x - guiRect.x + zoomCoordsOrigin.x, dragRectWidth.y - guiRect.y + zoomCoordsOrigin.y, dragRectWidth.width, dragRectWidth.height), ""); GUI.Box(new Rect(dragRectHeight.x - guiRect.x + zoomCoordsOrigin.x, dragRectHeight.y - guiRect.y + zoomCoordsOrigin.y, dragRectHeight.width, dragRectHeight.height), ""); } } else { } GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white; GUILayout.EndArea(); if(useEvents) ProcessEvents(e, editorViewRect, editorWorkRect, zoomCoordsOrigin); EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } void ProcessEvents(Event e, Rect editorViewRect, Rect editorWorkRect, Vector2 zoomCoordsOrigin) { if(isSelected) { //Right mouse if(e.button == 0) { //Mouse drag if(e.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { if(dragRectPos.Contains(e.mousePosition) && isDragging == false) { //Debug.Log("P"); isDragging = true; isDraggingRectPos = true; } if(dragRectWidth.Contains(e.mousePosition) && isDragging == false) { //Debug.Log("W"); isDragging = true; isDraggingRectWidth = true; } if(dragRectHeight.Contains(e.mousePosition) && isDragging == false) { //Debug.Log("W"); isDragging = true; isDraggingRectHeigt = true; } if(isDraggingRectPos) { rect.x +=; rect.y +=; } if(isDraggingRectWidth) { rect.width +=; } if(isDraggingRectHeigt) { rect.height +=; } //Clamp rect with min/max values to stay inside the workrect rect.width = Mathf.Clamp(rect.width, 64, editorWorkRect.width); rect.height = Mathf.Clamp(rect.height, 64, editorWorkRect.height); rect.x = Mathf.Clamp(rect.x, 0, editorWorkRect.width - rect.width); rect.y = Mathf.Clamp(rect.y, 0, editorWorkRect.height - rect.height); if(isDragging) e.Use(); } } //Deselect on mouse up if(e.type == EventType.MouseUp) { StopDragging(); } } //Stop if we are not selected else if(!isSelected && isDragging) { StopDragging(); } } private void StopDragging() { //Debug.Log("StopDragging"); isDragging = false; isDraggingRectPos = false; isDraggingRectWidth = false; isDraggingRectHeigt = false; } public void SetDebugMode(bool isDebugging) { debugMode = isDebugging; } } }